Ticket #197: winswitch_failure_log.txt

File winswitch_failure_log.txt, 155.1 KB (added by Thomas Käfer, 12 years ago)
1wikaefert@blechblubs:~$ winswitch_applet
2[II] 2012/21/04 15:42:59 applet.<module>() python version 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 15 2010, 15:52:39) \n[GCC 4.4.5]
3[II] 2012/21/04 15:42:59 applet.<module>() gtk version (2, 22, 0), pygtk version (2, 21, 0)
4[DD] 2012/21/04 15:42:59 main_loop.loop_init()
5[II] 2012/21/04 15:42:59 main_loop.loop_init() twisted version 10.1.0
6[II] 2012/21/04 15:42:59 globals os.uname=('Linux', 'blechblubs', '2.6.35-32-generic', '#67-Ubuntu SMP Mon Mar 5 19:35:26 UTC 2012', 'i686')
7[II] 2012/21/04 15:42:59 globals python package info: __version__=0.12.6
8[II] 2012/21/04 15:42:59 globals version=0.12.6 (svn revision unknown - unknown local modifications), built on winswitch.org by root, 2011-10-18, release_build=False
9[II] 2012/21/04 15:42:59 globals uid=1000, username=kaefert, name=Thomas KÀfer, hostname=blechblubs, locale=de_AT, argv=[/usr/bin/winswitch_applet]
10[II] 2012/21/04 15:42:59 globals Python version 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 15 2010, 15:52:39) [GCC 4.4.5]
11[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 icon_util.get_icon_dir()=/usr/share/winswitch/icons
12[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 icon_util.<module>() pixmaps_dir=['/usr/share/winswitch/icons', '/usr/share/pixmaps', '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps', '/usr/share/icons', '/usr/share/winswitch/wm_icons', '/usr/share/winswitch/default_icons', '/usr/share/winswitch/wm_icons', '/usr/share/winswitch/default_icons', '/usr/share/winswitch/wm_icons']
13[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 DistroHelper.__init__(squeeze,apt,{'nx': ['/usr/bin/xterm', '-e', '/usr/bin/gksudo -A apt-get install nx; read -p "Press enter to close"'], 'windows': ['/usr/bin/xterm', '-e', '/usr/bin/gksudo -A apt-get install rdesktop; read -p "Press enter to close"'], 'xpra': ['/usr/bin/xterm', '-e', '/usr/bin/gksudo -A apt-get install xpra; read -p "Press enter to close"'], 'vnc': ['/usr/bin/xterm', '-e', '/usr/bin/gksudo -A apt-get install tigervnc; read -p "Press enter to close"']},{'nx': ['/usr/bin/nxproxy', '/usr/local/bin/nxproxy', '/usr/NX/bin/nxproxy'], 'windows': ['/usr/bin/rdesktop', '/usr/local/bin/rdesktop'], 'xpra': ['/usr/bin/xpra', '/usr/local/bin/xpra'], 'vnc': ['/usr/bin/vncviewer', '/usr/local/bin/vncviewer']})
14[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 DistroHelper.find_command(nx) paths=[/usr/bin/nxproxy, /usr/local/bin/nxproxy, /usr/NX/bin/nxproxy]
15[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 DistroHelper.find_command(nx) found in /usr/bin/nxproxy
16[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 DistroHelper.find_command(xpra) paths=[/usr/bin/xpra, /usr/local/bin/xpra]
17[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 DistroHelper.find_command(xpra) found in /usr/bin/xpra
18[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 DistroHelper.find_command(vnc) paths=[/usr/bin/vncviewer, /usr/local/bin/vncviewer]
19[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 DistroHelper.find_command(vnc) found in /usr/bin/vncviewer
20[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 DistroHelper.find_command(windows) paths=[/usr/bin/rdesktop, /usr/local/bin/rdesktop]
21[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 DistroHelper.find_command(windows) found in /usr/bin/rdesktop
22[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 commands_util.<module>() ssh=/usr/bin/ssh, keygen=/usr/bin/ssh-keygen, xpra=/usr/bin/xpra, nxagent=/usr/bin/nxagent, nxproxy=/usr/bin/nxproxy, vncviewer=/usr/bin/vncviewer, Xvnc=/usr/bin/Xvnc, vncshadow=/usr/bin/x0vncserver, rdesktop=/usr/bin/rdesktop, java=/usr/bin/java, screen=/usr/bin/screen, xterm=/usr/bin/xterm, Xming=, xmodmap=/usr/bin/xmodmap, Xvfb=/usr/bin/Xvfb, Xnest=/usr/bin/Xephyr, cupsd=/usr/sbin/cupsd, gst_capture=/usr/lib/winswitch/gst_capture, gst_playback=/usr/lib/winswitch/gst_playback, app dir=/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/winswitch/client
23[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 net_util.<module>() netifaces loaded sucessfully
24[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 net_util.<module>() successfully loaded C library from libc.so.6
25** Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (GstObject)
26[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 gstreamer_util.<module>() found gst version GStreamer 0.10.30 and pygst version (0, 10, 19, 0)
27[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 gstreamer_util.<module>() found the following plugins: [a2dpsink, a52dec, aacparse, aasink, ac3iec958, ac3parse, adder, adpcmdec, adpcmenc, agingtv, aiffmux, aiffparse, alawdec, alawenc, alpha, alphacolor, alsamixer, alsasink, alsaspdifsink, alsasrc, amrnbdec, amrnbenc, amrparse, amrwbdec, apedemux, apev2mux, apexsink, appsink, appsrc, asfdemux, asfmux, asfparse, aspectratiocrop, assrender, asteriskh263, audioamplify, audiochebband, audiocheblimit, audioconvert, audiodynamic, audioecho, audiofirfilter, audioiirfilter, audioinvert, audiokaraoke, audiopanorama, audioparse, audiorate, audioresample, audiosegmentclip, audiotestsrc, audiowsincband, audiowsinclimit, auparse, autoaudiosink, autoaudiosrc, autoconvert, autovideosink, autovideosrc, avdtpsink, avidemux, avimux, avisubtitle, bayer2rgb, bin, bpmdetect, breakmydata, bulge, burn, bz2dec, bz2enc, cacasink, cairorender, cairotextoverlay, cairotimeoverlay, camerabin, capsdebug, capsfilter, capssetter, cdaudio, cdiocddasrc, cdparanoiasrc, cdxaparse, celtdec, celtenc, chromium, circle, clockoverlay, cmmldec, cmmlenc, cogcolorspace, cogdownsample, coglogoinsert, cogmse, cogscale, colorconvert, coloreffects, cpureport, cutter, dataurisrc, dc1394src, dccpclientsink, dccpclientsrc, dccpserversink, dccpserversrc, decodebin, decodebin2, deinterlace, deinterleave, dfbvideosink, dicetv, diffuse, dilate, diracenc, dodge, dtmfdetect, dtmfsrc, dtsdec, dv1394src, dvbbasebin, dvbsrc, dvddemux, dvdec, dvdemux, dvdlpcmdec, dvdreadsrc, dvdspu, dvdsubdec, dvdsubparse, dynudpsink, edgetv, efence, equalizer-10bands, equalizer-3bands, equalizer-nbands, exclusion, faac, faad, fakesink, fakesrc, fbdevsink, fdsink, fdsrc, festival, ffaudioresample, ffdec_4xm, ffdec_8bps, ffdec_8svx_exp, ffdec_8svx_fib, ffdec_FRWU, ffdec_aac, ffdec_aasc, ffdec_ac3, ffdec_adpcm_4xm, ffdec_adpcm_adx, ffdec_adpcm_ct, ffdec_adpcm_ea, ffdec_adpcm_ea_maxis_xa, ffdec_adpcm_ea_r1, ffdec_adpcm_ea_r2, ffdec_adpcm_ea_r3, ffdec_adpcm_ea_xas, ffdec_adpcm_ima_amv, ffdec_adpcm_ima_dk3, ffdec_adpcm_ima_dk4, ffdec_adpcm_ima_ea_eacs, ffdec_adpcm_ima_ea_sead, ffdec_adpcm_ima_iss, ffdec_adpcm_ima_qt, ffdec_adpcm_ima_smjpeg, ffdec_adpcm_ima_wav, ffdec_adpcm_ima_ws, ffdec_adpcm_ms, ffdec_adpcm_sbpro_2, ffdec_adpcm_sbpro_3, ffdec_adpcm_sbpro_4, ffdec_adpcm_swf, ffdec_adpcm_thp, ffdec_adpcm_xa, ffdec_adpcm_yamaha, ffdec_alac, ffdec_als, ffdec_amrnb, ffdec_amv, ffdec_anm, ffdec_ape, ffdec_asv1, ffdec_asv2, ffdec_atrac1, ffdec_atrac3, ffdec_aura, ffdec_aura2, ffdec_avs, ffdec_bethsoftvid, ffdec_bfi, ffdec_binkaudio_dct, ffdec_binkaudio_rdft, ffdec_binkvideo, ffdec_bmp, ffdec_c93, ffdec_camstudio, ffdec_camtasia, ffdec_cavs, ffdec_cdgraphics, ffdec_cinepak, ffdec_cljr, ffdec_cook, ffdec_cyuv, ffdec_dca, ffdec_dnxhd, ffdec_dpx, ffdec_dsicinaudio, ffdec_dsicinvideo, ffdec_dvbsub, ffdec_dvdsub, ffdec_dvvideo, ffdec_dxa, ffdec_eac3, ffdec_eacmv, ffdec_eamad, ffdec_eatgq, ffdec_eatgv, ffdec_eatqi, ffdec_escape124, ffdec_ffv1, ffdec_ffvhuff, ffdec_flac, ffdec_flashsv, ffdec_flic, ffdec_flv, ffdec_fraps, ffdec_g726, ffdec_h261, ffdec_h263, ffdec_h263i, ffdec_h264, ffdec_huffyuv, ffdec_idcinvideo, ffdec_iff_byterun1, ffdec_iff_ilbm, ffdec_imc, ffdec_indeo2, ffdec_indeo3, ffdec_indeo5, ffdec_interplay_dpcm, ffdec_interplayvideo, ffdec_jpegls, ffdec_kgv1, ffdec_kmvc, ffdec_loco, ffdec_mace3, ffdec_mace6, ffdec_mdec, ffdec_mimic, ffdec_mjpeg, ffdec_mjpegb, ffdec_mlp, ffdec_mmvideo, ffdec_motionpixels, ffdec_mp3, ffdec_mp3adu, ffdec_mp3on4, ffdec_mpc7, ffdec_mpc8, ffdec_mpeg2video, ffdec_mpeg4, ffdec_mpegvideo, ffdec_msmpeg4, ffdec_msmpeg4v1, ffdec_msmpeg4v2, ffdec_msrle, ffdec_msvideo1, ffdec_mszh, ffdec_nellymoser, ffdec_nuv, ffdec_pam, ffdec_pbm, ffdec_pcx, ffdec_pgm, ffdec_pgmyuv, ffdec_pgssub, ffdec_png, ffdec_ppm, ffdec_ptx, ffdec_qcelp, ffdec_qdm2, ffdec_qdraw, ffdec_qpeg, ffdec_qtrle, ffdec_real_144, ffdec_real_288, ffdec_rl2, ffdec_roq_dpcm, ffdec_roqvideo, ffdec_rpza, ffdec_rv10, ffdec_rv20, ffdec_rv30, ffdec_rv40, ffdec_sgi, ffdec_shorten, ffdec_sipr, ffdec_smackaud, ffdec_smackvid, ffdec_smc, ffdec_snow, ffdec_sol_dpcm, ffdec_sonic, ffdec_sp5x, ffdec_sunrast, ffdec_svq1, ffdec_svq3, ffdec_targa, ffdec_thp, ffdec_tiertexseqvideo, ffdec_tiff, ffdec_tmv, ffdec_truehd, ffdec_truemotion1, ffdec_truemotion2, ffdec_truespeech, ffdec_tta, ffdec_twinvq, ffdec_txd, ffdec_ultimotion, ffdec_vb, ffdec_vc1, ffdec_vcr1, ffdec_vmdaudio, ffdec_vmdvideo, ffdec_vmnc, ffdec_vp3, ffdec_vp5, ffdec_vp6, ffdec_vp6a, ffdec_vp6f, ffdec_vqavideo, ffdec_wmapro, ffdec_wmav1, ffdec_wmav2, ffdec_wmavoice, ffdec_wmv1, ffdec_wmv2, ffdec_wmv3, ffdec_wnv1, ffdec_ws_snd1, ffdec_xan_dpcm, ffdec_xan_wc3, ffdec_xl, ffdec_xsub, ffdec_yop, ffdec_zlib, ffdec_zmbv, ffdeinterlace, ffdemux_4xm, ffdemux_IFF, ffdemux_ISS, ffdemux_MTV, ffdemux_RoQ, ffdemux_aea, ffdemux_aiff, ffdemux_amr, ffdemux_anm, ffdemux_apc, ffdemux_ape, ffdemux_asf, ffdemux_au, ffdemux_avi, ffdemux_avs, ffdemux_bethsoftvid, ffdemux_bfi, ffdemux_bink, ffdemux_c93, ffdemux_caf, ffdemux_cdg, ffdemux_daud, ffdemux_dsicin, ffdemux_dv, ffdemux_dxa, ffdemux_ea, ffdemux_ea_cdata, ffdemux_ffm, ffdemux_film_cpk, ffdemux_filmstrip, ffdemux_flic, ffdemux_flv, ffdemux_gxf, ffdemux_idcin, ffdemux_ipmovie, ffdemux_iv8, ffdemux_lmlm4, ffdemux_matroska, ffdemux_mm, ffdemux_mmf, ffdemux_mov_mp4_m4a_3gp_3g2_mj2, ffdemux_mp3, ffdemux_mpc, ffdemux_mpc8, ffdemux_mpeg, ffdemux_mpegts, ffdemux_mpegtsraw, ffdemux_msnwctcp, ffdemux_mvi, ffdemux_mxf, ffdemux_nc, ffdemux_nsv, ffdemux_nut, ffdemux_nuv, ffdemux_ogg, ffdemux_oma, ffdemux_psxstr, ffdemux_pva, ffdemux_qcp, ffdemux_r3d, ffdemux_rl2, ffdemux_rm, ffdemux_rpl, ffdemux_siff, ffdemux_smk, ffdemux_sol, ffdemux_sox, ffdemux_swf, ffdemux_thp, ffdemux_tiertexseq, ffdemux_tmv, ffdemux_tta, ffdemux_txd, ffdemux_vc1test, ffdemux_vmd, ffdemux_voc, ffdemux_vqf, ffdemux_w64, ffdemux_wav, ffdemux_wc3movie, ffdemux_wsaud, ffdemux_wsvqa, ffdemux_xa, ffdemux_yop, ffdemux_yuv4mpegpipe, ffenc_aac, ffenc_ac3, ffenc_adpcm_adx, ffenc_adpcm_ima_qt, ffenc_adpcm_ima_wav, ffenc_adpcm_ms, ffenc_adpcm_swf, ffenc_adpcm_yamaha, ffenc_alac, ffenc_asv1, ffenc_asv2, ffenc_bmp, ffenc_dnxhd, ffenc_dvbsub, ffenc_dvdsub, ffenc_dvvideo, ffenc_ffv1, ffenc_ffvhuff, ffenc_flashsv, ffenc_flv, ffenc_g726, ffenc_h261, ffenc_h263, ffenc_h263p, ffenc_huffyuv, ffenc_jpegls, ffenc_ljpeg, ffenc_mjpeg, ffenc_mp2, ffenc_mpeg1video, ffenc_mpeg2video, ffenc_mpeg4, ffenc_msmpeg4, ffenc_msmpeg4v1, ffenc_msmpeg4v2, ffenc_nellymoser, ffenc_pam, ffenc_pbm, ffenc_pcx, ffenc_pgm, ffenc_pgmyuv, ffenc_png, ffenc_ppm, ffenc_qtrle, ffenc_roq_dpcm, ffenc_roqvideo, ffenc_rv10, ffenc_rv20, ffenc_sgi, ffenc_snow, ffenc_sonic, ffenc_sonicls, ffenc_svq1, ffenc_targa, ffenc_tiff, ffenc_wmav1, ffenc_wmav2, ffenc_wmv1, ffenc_wmv2, ffenc_xsub, ffenc_zmbv, ffmpegcolorspace, ffmux_3g2, ffmux_3gp, ffmux_adts, ffmux_aiff, ffmux_amr, ffmux_asf, ffmux_asf_stream, ffmux_au, ffmux_avi, ffmux_avm2, ffmux_daud, ffmux_dv, ffmux_dvd, ffmux_ffm, ffmux_filmstrip, ffmux_flv, ffmux_gxf, ffmux_ipod, ffmux_matroska, ffmux_mmf, ffmux_mov, ffmux_mp2, ffmux_mp3, ffmux_mp4, ffmux_mpeg, ffmux_mpegts, ffmux_mpjpeg, ffmux_mxf, ffmux_mxf_d10, ffmux_nut, ffmux_ogg, ffmux_psp, ffmux_rcv, ffmux_rm, ffmux_rtsp, ffmux_sox, ffmux_spdif, ffmux_svcd, ffmux_swf, ffmux_vcd, ffmux_vob, ffmux_voc, ffmux_wav, ffmux_webm, ffmux_yuv4mpegpipe, ffvideoscale, filesink, filesrc, fisheye, flacdec, flacenc, flacparse, flactag, flitetestsrc, flump3dec, flvdemux, flvmux, flxdec, fpsdisplaysink, freeze, fsfunnel, fsmsncamrecvconference, fsmsncamsendconference, fsrtcpfilter, fsrtpconference, fsvideoanyrate, gamma, gaussianblur, gconfaudiosink, gconfaudiosrc, gconfvideosink, gconfvideosrc, gdkpixbufdec, gdkpixbufscale, gdkpixbufsink, gdpdepay, gdppay, giosink, giosrc, giostreamsink, giostreamsrc, gmedec, gnlcomposition, gnlfilesource, gnloperation, gnlsource, gnlurisource, goom, goom2k1, gppmux, gsettingsaudiosink, gsettingsaudiosrc, gsettingsvideosink, gsettingsvideosrc, gsmdec, gsmenc, gstrtpbin, gstrtpjitterbuffer, gstrtpptdemux, gstrtpsession, gstrtpssrcdemux, h264parse, hdv1394src, hdvparse, icydemux, id3demux, id3mux, id3v2mux, identity, imagefreeze, input-selector, interleave, invtelecine, ivfparse, jackaudiosink, jackaudiosrc, jifmux, jp2kdec, jp2kenc, jpegdec, jpegenc, jpegparse, kaleidoscope, katedec, kateenc, kateparse, katetag, lame, lamemp3enc, legacyresample, level, libvisual_bumpscope, libvisual_corona, libvisual_infinite, libvisual_jakdaw, libvisual_jess, libvisual_lv_analyzer, libvisual_lv_scope, libvisual_oinksie, liveadder, mad, marble, matroskademux, matroskamux, measurecollector, metadatademux, metadatamux, mimdec, mimenc, mirror, mj2mux, mmssrc, modplug, monoscope, mp3parse, mp4mux, mpeg2dec, mpeg2enc, mpeg4videoparse, mpegdemux, mpegparse, mpegpsdemux, mpegpsmux, mpegtsdemux, mpegtsmux, mpegtsparse, mpegvideoparse, mplex, mulawdec, mulawenc, multifdsink, multifilesink, multifilesrc, multipartdemux, multipartmux, multiqueue, multiudpsink, musepackdec, mvedemux, mvemux, mxfdemux, mxfmux, navigationtest, navseek, nicesink, nicesrc, nsfdec, nuvdemux, ofa, oggaviparse, oggdemux, oggmux, oggparse, ogmaudioparse, ogmtextparse, ogmvideoparse, optv, oss4mixer, oss4sink, oss4src, ossmixer, osssink, osssrc, output-selector, pcapparse, pinch, pipeline, pitch, playbin, playbin2, playsink, pngdec, pngenc, pnmdec, pnmenc, pnmsrc, postproc_ahdeblock, postproc_autolevels, postproc_avdeblock, postproc_cubicipoldeint, postproc_default, postproc_dering, postproc_ffmpegdeint, postproc_forcequant, postproc_hdeblock, postproc_linblenddeint, postproc_linipoldeint, postproc_lowpass5, postproc_mediandeint, postproc_tmpnoise, postproc_vdeblock, postproc_x1hdeblock, postproc_x1vdeblock, progressreport, pulsemixer, pulsesink, pulsesrc, pushfilesrc, qtdemux, qtmoovrecover, qtmux, quarktv, queue, queue2, rademux, radioactv, rdtdepay, rdtmanager, realaudiodec, realvideodec, revtv, rfbsrc, rganalysis, rgb2bayer, rglimiter, rgvolume, rippletv, rmdemux, rndbuffersize, rsndvdbin, rsvgdec, rtmpsrc, rtpL16depay, rtpL16pay, rtpac3depay, rtpamrdepay, rtpamrpay, rtpasfdepay, rtpasfpay, rtpbvdepay, rtpbvpay, rtpceltdepay, rtpceltpay, rtpdec, rtpdepay, rtpdtmfdepay, rtpdtmfmux, rtpdtmfsrc, rtpdvdepay, rtpdvpay, rtpg723depay, rtpg723pay, rtpg726depay, rtpg726pay, rtpg729depay, rtpg729pay, rtpgsmdepay, rtpgsmpay, rtph263depay, rtph263pay, rtph263pdepay, rtph263ppay, rtph264depay, rtph264pay, rtpilbcdepay, rtpilbcpay, rtpj2kdepay, rtpj2kpay, rtpjpegdepay, rtpjpegpay, rtpmp1sdepay, rtpmp2tdepay, rtpmp2tpay, rtpmp4adepay, rtpmp4apay, rtpmp4gdepay, rtpmp4gpay, rtpmp4vdepay, rtpmp4vpay, rtpmpadepay, rtpmpapay, rtpmparobustdepay, rtpmpvdepay, rtpmpvpay, rtpmux, rtppcmadepay, rtppcmapay, rtppcmudepay, rtppcmupay, rtpqcelpdepay, rtpqdm2depay, rtpsbcpay, rtpsirendepay, rtpsirenpay, rtpspeexdepay, rtpspeexpay, rtpsv3vdepay, rtptheoradepay, rtptheorapay, rtpvorbisdepay, rtpvorbispay, rtpvrawdepay, rtpvrawpay, rtpxqtdepay, rtspreal, rtspsrc, rtspwms, sbcdec, sbcenc, sbcparse, scaletempo, schrodec, schroenc, schroparse, sdpdemux, sfsink, sfsrc, shagadelictv, shapewipe, shmsink, shmsrc, shout2send, siddec, sirendec, sirenenc, smokedec, smokeenc, smpte, smptealpha, solarize, souphttpsrc, spcdec, spectrum, speed, speexdec, speexenc, sphere, square, srtenc, ssaparse, ssim, stereo, streaktv, stretch, subparse, subtitleoverlay, taginject, tcpclientsink, tcpclientsrc, tcpserversink, tcpserversrc, tee, testsink, textoverlay, textrender, theoradec, theoraenc, theoraparse, timeoverlay, trm, ttadec, ttaparse, tunnel, twirl, twolame, typefind, udpsink, udpsrc, uridecodebin, v4l2sink, v4l2src, v4lsrc, valve, vcdparse, vcdsrc, vertigotv, videoanalyse, videobalance, videobox, videocrop, videodetect, videoflip, videomark, videomaxrate, videomixer, videoparse, videorate, videoscale, videosegmentclip, videotestsrc, vmncdec, volume, vorbisdec, vorbisenc, vorbisparse, vorbistag, vp8dec, vp8enc, warptv, waterripple, wavenc, wavpackdec, wavpackenc, wavpackparse, wavparse, webmmux, wildmidi, x264enc, ximagesink, ximagesrc, xingmux, xviddec, xvidenc, xvimagesink, y4menc, zbar]
28[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 anims.init_anims() will try to load all animations found in '/usr/share/winswitch/anim': [busy.gif, winswitch-starred8.png, winswitch-starred10.png, busy-large.gif, winswitch-starred1.png, winswitch-starred3.png, winswitch-starred9.png, winswitch-starred6.png, winswitch-starred7.png, winswitch-starred4.png, winswitch-starred5.png, winswitch-starred2.png]
29[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 process_util.<module>() using twisted ProcessProtocol=winswitch.twisted.HiddenSpawnedProcess.HiddenSpawnedProcess
30[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 WM_Util.ctypes_init() libXss code has not been enabled via command line switch: --libXss, screensaver detection disabled
31[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 PortMapper.load_blacklisted_ports() this may take a few seconds... please be patient
32[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 PortMapper.load_blacklisted_ports() loading from file /etc/winswitch/ports.conf
33[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 PortMapper.load_blacklisted_ports() loaded 20 lines
34[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:00 PortMapper.load_blacklisted_ports() blacklisted_ports above 1024: [1024, 5900, 3389]
35[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:01 applet.main() main
36[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:01 WinSwitchApplet.__init__(<bound method WinSwitchApplet._reactor_run of <winswitch.client.applet.WinSwitchApplet instance at 0xb76f47cc>>,<bound method WinSwitchApplet._reactor_stop of <winswitch.client.applet.WinSwitchApplet instance at 0xb76f47cc>>)
37[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:01 WinSwitchApplet.initialize()
38[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:01 LocalSocketClient.__init__()
39[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:01 WinSwitchApplet.test_existing_client() client=<winswitch.net.local_socket_client.LocalSocketClient instance at 0x93f472c>
40[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:01 LocalSocketClient.test_socket(wakeup) socket '/home/kaefert/.winswitch/client/socket' exists=True
41[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:01 LocalSocketClient.do_send(['wakeup'])
42[EE] 2012/21/04 15:43:01 LocalSocketClient.do_send(['wakeup']) [Errno 111] Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
43[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:01 LocalSocketClient.test_socket(wakeup) exit code after sending message to '/home/kaefert/.winswitch/client/socket': -1
44[EE] 2012/21/04 15:43:01 LocalSocketClient.test_socket(wakeup) socket '/home/kaefert/.winswitch/client/socket' seems dead, removing it
45[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:01 UI_Util.guess_appropriate_font() small screen detected: 1024x600, using small font
46[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:01 UI_Util.detect_gtk_theme() cmd=gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme, out=0, cod=Ambiance
47[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:01 UI_Util.detect_gtk_theme() GTK2_RC_FILES=None
48[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:01 icon_util.populate_pixmap_lookup() this may take a few seconds..
49[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:02 icon_util.populate_pixmap_lookup() pixmap cache size=2613, stats={'/usr/share/winswitch/wm_icons': 18, '/usr/share/pixmaps': 349, '/usr/share/winswitch/icons': 88, '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps': 123, '/usr/share/winswitch/default_icons': 7, '/usr/share/icons': 17202}
50[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:02 net_util.get_interface_speed(-1,None,100000000)
51[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:02 net_util.get_interface_speed(-1,None,100000000)=100000000
52[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:03 GlobalSettings.reset_workrounds()
53[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:03 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},GlobalSettings(),winswitch.objects.global_settings.GlobalSettings,[],[],[],True,True)
54[DD] 2012/21/04 15:43:03 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},MountPoint( ://:0/),winswitch.objects.mount_point.MountPoint,[],[],[],True,True)
55[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:03 tray_util.setup_tray(False,<bound method WinSwitchApplet.popup_menu of <winswitch.client.applet.WinSwitchApplet instance at 0xb76f47cc>>,<bound method WinSwitchApplet.activate_menu of <winswitch.client.applet.WinSwitchApplet instance at 0xb76f47cc>>,<bound method WinSwitchApplet.exit_if_unclean of <winswitch.client.applet.WinSwitchApplet instance at 0xb76f47cc>>,<bound method WinSwitchApplet.handle_session_event of <winswitch.client.applet.WinSwitchApplet instance at 0xb76f47cc>>,winswitch)=<winswitch.ui.appindicator_tray.AppIndicatorTray instance at 0x949282c>
56[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:03 WinSwitchApplet.load_settings() found existing settings, uuid=d1dfd66cfad944ada3da06c8dc669e92, key=<Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.RSAobj_c instance at 0x949286c>, mount_points=[MountPoint(Disk smb://]
57[EE] 2012/21/04 15:43:03 common.do_check_xpra_version_string( xpra version is too old! The minimum version required is [0, 0, 7, 28]
58[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:03 WinSwitchApplet.init_client_utils() client utils={'osx': <winswitch.virt.vnc_client_util.VNCClientUtil instance at 0x94b3cac>, 'gstvideo': <winswitch.virt.gstvideo_client_util.GSTVideoClientUtil instance at 0x94b788c>, 'vnc': <winswitch.virt.vnc_client_util.VNCClientUtil instance at 0x94b374c>, 'windows': <winswitch.virt.rdp_client_util.RDPClientUtil instance at 0x94b3a0c>, 'screen': <winswitch.virt.screen_client_util.ScreenClientUtil instance at 0x94b796c>, 'xpra': <winswitch.virt.xpra_client_util.XpraClientUtil instance at 0x94b322c>, 'libvirt': <winswitch.virt.vnc_client_util.VNCClientUtil instance at 0x94b3f6c>, 'nx': <winswitch.virt.nx_client_util.NXClientUtil instance at 0x94b348c>, 'ssh': <winswitch.virt.ssh_client_util.SSHClientUtil instance at 0x94b722c>, 'X11': <winswitch.virt.nx_client_util.NXClientUtil instance at 0x94b74cc>}
59[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:04 xmodmap_util.get_xmodmap(None) exec(['/usr/bin/xmodmap', '-pke'])=(keycode   8 =keycode   9 = Escape NoSymbol Escapekeycode  10 = 1 exclam 1 exclam onesuperior excl...,)
60[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:04 WinSwitchApplet.populate_xkeymap() detected keymap=xkb_keymap {        xkb_keycodes  { include "evdev+aliases(qwertz)" };      xkb_types     { include "complete...
61[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:04 WinSwitchApplet.run(False) ended
62[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:04 WinSwitchApplet.start_idle_timer()
63[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:04 main_loop.loop_run() calling reactor.run()
64[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:04 WinSwitchApplet.start_local_server() start_local_server=True, command=/usr/bin/winswitch_server, current local_server=None
65[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:04 main_loop.loop_init(False) already initialized: reactor=<twisted.internet.gtk2reactor.Gtk2Reactor object at 0x8a4d30c>
66[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:04 WinSwitchServer.__init__(True) sys.argv=[/usr/bin/winswitch_applet]
67[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:04 WinSwitchServer.check() socket /home/kaefert/.winswitch/server/socket is already present, testing it
68[EE] 2012/21/04 15:43:04 WinSwitchServer.check() socket /home/kaefert/.winswitch/server/socket is dead: '[Errno 111] Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt', removing it so we can proceed
69[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:04 ServerSettings.test_supports_ssh() OK: X11 Forwarding is enabled (config line=x11forwarding yes)
70[EE] 2012/21/04 15:43:04 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},ServerSettings(),winswitch.objects.server_settings.ServerSettings,[],[],[],True,True) 'gst_sound_sink_options' is missing!
71[EE] 2012/21/04 15:43:04 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},ServerSettings(),winswitch.objects.server_settings.ServerSettings,[],[],[],True,True) 'gst_sound_source_options' is missing!
72[EE] 2012/21/04 15:43:04 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},ServerSettings(),winswitch.objects.server_settings.ServerSettings,[],[],[],True,True) found some unused/invalid keys: {'gst_sound_sink_options["device"]': 'alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo', 'gst_sound_source_options["device"]': 'alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo'}
73[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:04 WinSwitchServer.check() found existing config=ServerSettings(blechblubs)
74[EE] 2012/21/04 15:43:04 common.do_check_xpra_version_string( xpra version is too old! The minimum version required is [0, 0, 7, 28]
75[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:04 load_desktop_menus.do_load_start_menu(['winswitch_applet', 'compiz', 'alltray', 'ccsm', 'avant-window-navigator', 'awn-manager', 'fusion-icon', 'vncviewer', 'nxclient', '*blueproximity*', 'bluetooth*', 'gpilotd-control-applet', 'gsynaptics', 'gnome-obex-server', 'gnome-display-properties', 'grandr', '*gdmsetup', '*gdmphotosetup', 'gnome-screensaver-preferences', 'resapplet', '*xscreensaver*', '*screenshot*', 'istanbul', 'gtk-recordMyDesktop', 'lxrandr', 'gnome-mouse-properties', 'gnome-power-preferences', '*gparted', '*jockey-gtk', 'unetbootin', 'usb-creator', 'gnome-session-properties', 'gnome-panel', 'alacarte', 'screenlets-manager', 'gnome-appearance-properties', 'onboard-settings', 'gnome-window-properties', 'lxsession-edit', 'gnome-keybinding-properties', 'gnome-keyboard-properties', 'oo*', 'openoffice*', '*battery-graph*', 'decibel-audio-player*', 'pavucontrol', 'padevchooser', 'xfce4-mixer', 'rhythmbox*', '*javaws', '*jconsole', 'openbox-session', 'konqueror*', 'chromium*', 'xdg-open*', '*/xdg-open*', 'exo-open*', ''],['*'],['', 'GNOME', 'GTK', 'Application', 'Screensaver'],['screensavers']) no files found in /home/kaefert/.winswitch/server/menu, using system locations: ['/usr/share/applications/', '/usr/local/share/applications/']
76[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:05 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_file(/usr/share/applications/,compiz.desktop,True,[..],[..]) compiz.desktop no icon found for None or any of: ['compiz', 'Compiz', 'compiz']
77[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:05 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_file(/usr/share/applications/,gscriptor.desktop,True,[..],[..]) gscriptor.desktop no icon found for None or any of: ['gscriptor', 'Gscriptor', 'gscriptor']
78[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:06 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_file(/usr/share/applications/,metacity.desktop,True,[..],[..]) metacity.desktop no icon found for None or any of: ['metacity', 'Metacity', 'metacity']
79[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:07 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_file(/usr/share/applications/,qtnx.desktop,True,[..],[..]) qtnx.desktop no icon found for None or any of: ['qtnx', 'QTNX', 'qtnx']
80[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:07 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_file(/usr/share/applications/,unetbootin.desktop,True,[..],[..]) unetbootin.desktop no icon found for None or any of: ['unetbootin', 'UNetbootin', 'unetbootin']
81[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:08 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_file(/usr/share/applications/,zenmap-root.desktop,True,[..],[..]) zenmap-root.desktop no icon found for /build/buildd/nmap-5.21/debian/tmp/usr/share/zenmap/pixmaps/zenmap.png or any of: ['/build/buildd/nmap-5.21/debian/tmp/usr/share/zenmap/pixmaps/zenmap.png', 'su-to-zenmap.sh %F', 'Zenmap (as root)', 'zenmap-root', '/build/buildd/nmap']
82[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:08 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_file(/usr/share/applications/,zenmap.desktop,True,[..],[..]) zenmap.desktop no icon found for /build/buildd/nmap-5.21/debian/tmp/usr/share/zenmap/pixmaps/zenmap.png or any of: ['/build/buildd/nmap-5.21/debian/tmp/usr/share/zenmap/pixmaps/zenmap.png', 'zenmap %F', 'Zenmap', 'zenmap', '/build/buildd/nmap']
83[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:08 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_file(/usr/share/desktop-directories,AdventureGames.directory,False,[..],[..]) AdventureGames.directory no icon found for None or any of: ['Adventure', 'AdventureGames']
84[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:08 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_file(/usr/share/desktop-directories,SimulationGames.directory,False,[..],[..]) SimulationGames.directory no icon found for None or any of: ['Simulation', 'SimulationGames']
85[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:08 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_file(/usr/share/desktop-directories,SportsGames.directory,False,[..],[..]) SportsGames.directory no icon found for stock_scores or any of: ['stock_scores', 'Sports', 'SportsGames']
86[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:08 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_file(/usr/share/desktop-directories,StrategyGames.directory,False,[..],[..]) StrategyGames.directory no icon found for None or any of: ['Strategy', 'StrategyGames']
87[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:08 load_desktop_menus.do_load_start_menu(['winswitch_applet', 'compiz', 'alltray', 'ccsm', 'avant-window-navigator', 'awn-manager', 'fusion-icon', 'vncviewer', 'nxclient', '*blueproximity*', 'bluetooth*', 'gpilotd-control-applet', 'gsynaptics', 'gnome-obex-server', 'gnome-display-properties', 'grandr', '*gdmsetup', '*gdmphotosetup', 'gnome-screensaver-preferences', 'resapplet', '*xscreensaver*', '*screenshot*', 'istanbul', 'gtk-recordMyDesktop', 'lxrandr', 'gnome-mouse-properties', 'gnome-power-preferences', '*gparted', '*jockey-gtk', 'unetbootin', 'usb-creator', 'gnome-session-properties', 'gnome-panel', 'alacarte', 'screenlets-manager', 'gnome-appearance-properties', 'onboard-settings', 'gnome-window-properties', 'lxsession-edit', 'gnome-keybinding-properties', 'gnome-keyboard-properties', 'oo*', 'openoffice*', '*battery-graph*', 'decibel-audio-player*', 'pavucontrol', 'padevchooser', 'xfce4-mixer', 'rhythmbox*', '*javaws', '*jconsole', 'openbox-session', 'konqueror*', 'chromium*', 'xdg-open*', '*/xdg-open*', 'exo-open*', ''],['*'],['', 'GNOME', 'GTK', 'Application', 'Screensaver'],['screensavers']) loaded 159 commands and 10 directories
88[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:08 load_desktop_menus.load_xsessions(['startmoblin'],['*']) no files found in /home/kaefert/.winswitch/server/xsessions, using system locations: ['/usr/share/xsessions', '/usr/local/share/xsessions']
89[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:08 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_file(/usr/share/xsessions,guest-restricted.desktop,True,[..],[..]) guest-restricted.desktop no icon found for  or any of: ['Xsession', 'guest-restricted', 'guest-restricted']
90[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:08 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_file(/usr/share/xsessions,une-efl-guest-restricted.desktop,True,[..],[..]) une-efl-guest-restricted.desktop no icon found for  or any of: ['Xsession', 'guest-restricted', 'une-efl-guest-restricted']
91[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:08 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_file(/usr/share/xsessions,une-guest-restricted.desktop,True,[..],[..]) une-guest-restricted.desktop no icon found for  or any of: ['Xsession', 'guest-restricted', 'une-guest-restricted']
92[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:08 WinSwitchServer.load_server_start_menu() found 159 server commands, 10 menu directories, 7 desktop commands, 1 shortcuts
93[EE] 2012/21/04 15:43:08 utmp_wrapper.find_best_utmp_impl() cannot load pyutmp: No module named pyutmp
94[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:08 utmp_wrapper.<module>() getutents=<function python_utmp_getutents at 0x96db3ac>
95[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:08 LocalX11ServerUtil.zap_existing_sessions([<winswitch.objects.server_session.ServerSession instance at 0x9558f4c>])
96[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:08 LocalX11ServerUtil.session_cleanup(ServerSession(:0 - X11 - available)) clearing /home/kaefert/.winswitch/server/sessions/0
97[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:08 LocalX11ServerUtil.detect_existing_sessions() found getutents=<function python_utmp_getutents at 0x96db3ac>, we should be able to detect local displays
98[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:08 process_util.exec_nopipe(['/usr/bin/xset', 'q'],None,{'DISPLAY': ':0'},True,False,None,True) waiting on process=<subprocess.Popen object at 0x97364cc>
99Keyboard Control:
100  auto repeat:  on    key click percent:  0    LED mask:  00000000
101  XKB indicators:
102    00: Caps Lock:   off    01: Num Lock:    off    02: Scroll Lock: off
103    03: Compose:     off    04: Kana:        off    05: Sleep:       off
104    06: Suspend:     off    07: Mute:        off    08: Misc:        off
105    09: Mail:        off    10: Charging:    off    11: Shift Lock:  off
106    12: Group 2:     off    13: Mouse Keys:  off
107  auto repeat delay:  500    repeat rate:  30
108  auto repeating keys:  00ffffffdffffbbf
109                        fadfffefffedffff
110                        9fffffffffffffff
111                        fff7ffffffffffff
112  bell percent:  0    bell pitch:  400    bell duration:  100
113Pointer Control:
114  acceleration:  2/1    threshold:  4
115Screen Saver:
116  prefer blanking:  yes    allow exposures:  yes
117  timeout:  600    cycle:  600
119  default colormap:  0x20    BlackPixel:  0    WhitePixel:  16777215
120Font Path:
121  /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc,/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/:unscaled,/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/:unscaled,/usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1,/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi,/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi,/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType,built-ins
122DPMS (Energy Star):
123  Standby: 0    Suspend: 0    Off: 0
124  DPMS is Enabled
125  Monitor is On
126[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:09 LocalX11ServerUtil.xprop_set(:0,_WINSWITCH_SESSIONID) output(/usr/bin/xprop -display :0 -root -f _WINSWITCH_SESSIONID 8s -set _WINSWITCH_SESSIONID 4c99a1179ee3462cbb033d579c58d4a6)=
127[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:09 WinSwitchServer.send_session_to_all(ServerSession(:0 - X11 - available)) clients=[]
128[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:09 ScreenServerUtil.zap_existing_sessions([])
129[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:09 XpraServerUtil.detect_sessions() found: []
130[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:09 WinSwitchServer.assign_virt_utils()={'gstvideo': <winswitch.virt.gstvideo_server_util.GSTVideoServerUtil instance at 0x96ac88c>, 'screen': <winswitch.virt.screen_server_util.ScreenServerUtil instance at 0x961540c>, 'xpra': <winswitch.virt.xpra_server_util.XpraServerUtil instance at 0x9613aac>, 'vnc': <winswitch.virt.vnc_server_util.VNCServerUtil instance at 0x9613e8c>, 'X11': <winswitch.virt.localX11_server_util.LocalX11ServerUtil instance at 0x9615c4c>}
131[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:09 WinSwitchServer.assign_fs_utils() fs_client_helpers={'nfs': <winswitch.fs.nfs_client_helper.NFS_Client_Helper instance at 0x97361ac>, 'smb': <winswitch.fs.smb_client_helper.Samba_Client_Helper instance at 0x973620c>}
132[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:09 WinSwitchServer.setup_local_listener() listening on local socket '/home/kaefert/.winswitch/server/socket'
133[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:09 WinSwitchServer.setup_tcp_listeners() started listening on: [('', 39446)]
134[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:09 WinSwitchApplet.start_local_server() local_server=WinSwitchServer(162455579858)
135[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:09 WinSwitchApplet.embedded_server_ready()
136[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:09 WinSwitchApplet.connect_to_embedded_server()
137[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:09 TwistedBonjourListener.start()
138[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:10 LocalSocketListener.start() listening on /home/kaefert/.winswitch/client/socket
139[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:10 WinSwitchServer.publish() mDNS_publish=True, reversed_mdns=True
140[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:10 TwistedBonjourPublisher.start()
141[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:10 WinSwitchApplet.kick_server_link(ServerConfig(blechblubs:162455579858)) no link found, creating one
142[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:10 WinSwitchApplet.start_link(ServerConfig(blechblubs:162455579858)) creating new link
143[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:10 ServerLink.connect_to_server() connecting to embedded server: WinSwitchServer(162455579858)
144[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:10 EmbeddedServerChannelFactory.__init__(ServerLink(ServerConfig(blechblubs:162455579858)))
145[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:10 ServerLineConnection.__init__(ServerLink(ServerConfig(blechblubs:162455579858)),<bound method EmbeddedServerChannelFactory.write of <winswitch.client.fake_embedded_connector.EmbeddedServerChannelFactory instance at 0x974bbec>>,<bound method EmbeddedServerChannelFactory.stop of <winswitch.client.fake_embedded_connector.EmbeddedServerChannelFactory instance at 0x974bbec>>)
146[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:10 ProtocolHandler.do_set_salt(1844e7c006df4b34b6971125cd67e634) previous salt=None
147[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:10 common.check_remote_version([0, 12, 6]) OK: remote application version matches the minimum required ([0, 11, 1])
148[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:10 WinSwitchClientChannel.sync_unauthenticated()
149[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:11 WinSwitchApplet.detect_local_servers(True,None) found [('', 39446, '162455579858')]
150[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:11 WinSwitchApplet.kick_server_link(ServerConfig(blechblubs:162455579858)) already connected
151[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:11 common.check_remote_version([0, 12, 6]) OK: remote application version matches the minimum required ([0, 11, 1])
152[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:11 ProtocolHandler.do_set_salt(396d5012b3d24162be318e0275296141) previous salt=None
153[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:11 process_util.exec_nopipe(['/usr/bin/java', '-jar', '/usr/share/Vash/Vash.jar', '-a', '1.1', '-F', 'png', '-d', '92274af8d9e7da0ad65048570ed1c8ca9e973bad', '-o', '/home/kaefert/.winswitch/client/servers/162455579858-signature.png'],None,None,False,False,None,True)=<subprocess.Popen object at 0x975822c>
154[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:14 vash_util.generate_image(92274af8d9e7da0ad...,/home/kaefert/.winswitch/client/servers/162455579858-signature.png) success
155[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:15 WinSwitchClientChannel.add_user(('kaefert', 'kaefert', 'Thomas K\xc3\xa4fer', 'd1dfd66cfad944ada3da06c8dc669e92', 'blechblubs', '...)
156[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:15 WinSwitchClientChannel.do_add_user(34666032465868576...,0dc4c0f61a8ca1639...,User(Thomas KÀfer : d1dfd66cfad944ada3da06c8dc669e92)) remote host=, tunneled=True
157[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:15 WinSwitchClientChannel.check_signature(<Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.RSAobj_c instance at 0x97582ac>,34666032465868576...,396d5012b3d24162be318e0275296141)=True
158[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:15 WinSwitchClientChannel.do_add_user(34666032465868576...,0dc4c0f61a8ca1639...,User(Thomas KÀfer : d1dfd66cfad944ada3da06c8dc669e92)) local socket connection, not checking password
159[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:15 WinSwitchServer.send_all(set_user_icon 'd1dfd66cfad944ada3da06c8dc669e92','base64:iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAwCAYAAABX...,WinSwitchClientChannel(User(Thomas KÀfer : d1dfd66cfad944ada3da06c8dc669e92))) clients=[WinSwitchClientChannel(User(Thomas KÀfer : d1dfd66cfad944ada3da06c8dc669e92))]
160[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:15 WinSwitchClientChannel.set_xmodmap(...) saving xmodmap data (length=11026) to /home/kaefert/.winswitch/server/xmodmap/d1dfd66cfad944ada3da06c8dc669e92
161[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:15 WinSwitchServer.set_xmodmap(...) will now update these connected/connecting sessions with the new xmodmap: []
162[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:15 common.check_remote_version([0, 12, 6]) OK: remote application version matches the minimum required ([0, 11, 1])
163[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:15 WinSwitchClientChannel.sync()
164[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:15 WinSwitchClientChannel.send_server_commands() sent 10 items of type directory, 97 items of type command, 4 items of type desktops, 1 items of type actions
165[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:15 common.check_remote_version([0, 12, 6]) OK: remote application version matches the minimum required ([0, 11, 1])
166[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:16 WinSwitchApplet.do_mdns_add(3,Window Switch for Thomas K\195\164fer on blechmobil,None,blechmobil.local.,None,56752,ID117973712065version0.12.12ssh_tunnelFalseusernamekaefert) ID=117973712065, type(text)=<class 'winswitch.net.pybonjour.TXTRecord'>, len(text)=4
167[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:17 WinSwitchApplet.kick_server_link(ServerConfig(blechmobil:117973712065)) no link found, creating one
168[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:17 WinSwitchApplet.start_link(ServerConfig(blechmobil:117973712065)) creating new link
169[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:17 WinSwitchApplet.server_portfile_changed(<__main__.GInotifyFileMonitor object at 0x9735edc (GInotifyFileMonitor at 0x893f418)>,<__main__.GLocalFile at 0x98755f4: file:///home/kaefert/.winswitch/server/lock/server_port>,None,<enum G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGED of type GFileMonitorEvent>) evt_type=<class 'gio._gio.FileMonitorEvent'>
170[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:17 WinSwitchApplet.server_portfile_changed(<__main__.GInotifyFileMonitor object at 0x9735edc (GInotifyFileMonitor at 0x893f418)>,<__main__.GLocalFile at 0x98755f4: file:///home/kaefert/.winswitch/server/lock/server_port>,None,<enum G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGES_DONE_HINT of type GFileMonitorEvent>) evt_type=<class 'gio._gio.FileMonitorEvent'>
171[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:17 WinSwitchApplet.server_dir_changed(<__main__.GInotifyDirectoryMonitor object at 0x9735e14 (GInotifyDirectoryMonitor at 0x893f4a8)>,<__main__.GLocalFile at 0x98755f4: file:///home/kaefert/.winswitch/server/lock/server_port>,None,<enum G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGED of type GFileMonitorEvent>) evt_type=<class 'gio._gio.FileMonitorEvent'>
172[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:17 WinSwitchApplet.server_dir_changed(<__main__.GInotifyDirectoryMonitor object at 0x9735e14 (GInotifyDirectoryMonitor at 0x893f4a8)>,<__main__.GLocalFile at 0x98755f4: file:///home/kaefert/.winswitch/server/lock/server_port>,None,<enum G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGES_DONE_HINT of type GFileMonitorEvent>) evt_type=<class 'gio._gio.FileMonitorEvent'>
173[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:17 TwistedBonjourPublisher.broadcasting((<DNSServiceRef object at 0x9740b6c>, u'Window Switch for Thomas K\xe4fer on blechblubs', u'_shifter._tcp.', u'local.'))
174[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:18 ServerReceiver.connectionMade() to ServerConfig(blechmobil:117973712065)
175[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:18 ServerLineConnection.__init__(ServerLink(ServerConfig(blechmobil:117973712065)),<bound method ServerReceiver.write of <winswitch.client.server_receiver.ServerReceiver instance at 0x98785cc>>,<bound method ServerReceiver.stop of <winswitch.client.server_receiver.ServerReceiver instance at 0x98785cc>>)
177(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1: The ID supplied 1 does not refer to a menu item we have
179(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 2: The ID supplied 2 does not refer to a menu item we have
181(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 3: The ID supplied 3 does not refer to a menu item we have
183(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 4: The ID supplied 4 does not refer to a menu item we have
185(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 5: The ID supplied 5 does not refer to a menu item we have
187(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6: The ID supplied 6 does not refer to a menu item we have
189(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 11: The ID supplied 11 does not refer to a menu item we have
191(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 12: The ID supplied 12 does not refer to a menu item we have
193(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 13: The ID supplied 13 does not refer to a menu item we have
195(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 7: The ID supplied 7 does not refer to a menu item we have
197(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 8: The ID supplied 8 does not refer to a menu item we have
199(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 9: The ID supplied 9 does not refer to a menu item we have
201(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 10: The ID supplied 10 does not refer to a menu item we have
202[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:18 common.check_remote_version([0, 12, 12]) OK: remote application version matches the minimum required ([0, 11, 1])
203[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:18 ProtocolHandler.do_set_salt(343891a217954831a152b60b6b9c4588) previous salt=None
204[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:19 WinSwitchApplet.detect_local_servers(True,None) found [('', 39446, '162455579858')]
205[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:19 WinSwitchApplet.kick_server_link(ServerConfig(blechblubs:162455579858)) already connected
206[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:19 WinSwitchApplet.attention(Xpra version mismatch,None)
207[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:19 common.check_remote_version([0, 12, 12]) OK: remote application version matches the minimum required ([0, 11, 1])
208[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:21 ServerLink.notify(Thomas KÀfer joined server blechmobil,) not sending notification as embargo time not reached
210(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 170: The ID supplied 170 does not refer to a menu item we have
212(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 171: The ID supplied 171 does not refer to a menu item we have
214(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 172: The ID supplied 172 does not refer to a menu item we have
216(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 174: The ID supplied 174 does not refer to a menu item we have
218(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 175: The ID supplied 175 does not refer to a menu item we have
220(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 189: The ID supplied 189 does not refer to a menu item we have
222(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 191: The ID supplied 191 does not refer to a menu item we have
224(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 198: The ID supplied 198 does not refer to a menu item we have
226(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 202: The ID supplied 202 does not refer to a menu item we have
228(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 221: The ID supplied 221 does not refer to a menu item we have
230(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 224: The ID supplied 224 does not refer to a menu item we have
232(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 257: The ID supplied 257 does not refer to a menu item we have
234(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 261: The ID supplied 261 does not refer to a menu item we have
236(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 272: The ID supplied 272 does not refer to a menu item we have
238(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 277: The ID supplied 277 does not refer to a menu item we have
240(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 176: The ID supplied 176 does not refer to a menu item we have
242(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 177: The ID supplied 177 does not refer to a menu item we have
244(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 178: The ID supplied 178 does not refer to a menu item we have
246(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 179: The ID supplied 179 does not refer to a menu item we have
248(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 180: The ID supplied 180 does not refer to a menu item we have
250(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 181: The ID supplied 181 does not refer to a menu item we have
252(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 182: The ID supplied 182 does not refer to a menu item we have
254(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 183: The ID supplied 183 does not refer to a menu item we have
256(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 184: The ID supplied 184 does not refer to a menu item we have
258(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 185: The ID supplied 185 does not refer to a menu item we have
260(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 186: The ID supplied 186 does not refer to a menu item we have
262(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 187: The ID supplied 187 does not refer to a menu item we have
264(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 188: The ID supplied 188 does not refer to a menu item we have
266(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 190: The ID supplied 190 does not refer to a menu item we have
268(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 192: The ID supplied 192 does not refer to a menu item we have
270(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 193: The ID supplied 193 does not refer to a menu item we have
272(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 194: The ID supplied 194 does not refer to a menu item we have
274(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 195: The ID supplied 195 does not refer to a menu item we have
276(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 196: The ID supplied 196 does not refer to a menu item we have
278(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 197: The ID supplied 197 does not refer to a menu item we have
280(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 199: The ID supplied 199 does not refer to a menu item we have
282(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 200: The ID supplied 200 does not refer to a menu item we have
284(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 201: The ID supplied 201 does not refer to a menu item we have
286(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 203: The ID supplied 203 does not refer to a menu item we have
288(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 204: The ID supplied 204 does not refer to a menu item we have
290(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 205: The ID supplied 205 does not refer to a menu item we have
292(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 206: The ID supplied 206 does not refer to a menu item we have
294(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 207: The ID supplied 207 does not refer to a menu item we have
296(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 208: The ID supplied 208 does not refer to a menu item we have
298(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 209: The ID supplied 209 does not refer to a menu item we have
300(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 210: The ID supplied 210 does not refer to a menu item we have
302(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 211: The ID supplied 211 does not refer to a menu item we have
304(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 212: The ID supplied 212 does not refer to a menu item we have
306(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 213: The ID supplied 213 does not refer to a menu item we have
308(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 214: The ID supplied 214 does not refer to a menu item we have
310(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 215: The ID supplied 215 does not refer to a menu item we have
312(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 216: The ID supplied 216 does not refer to a menu item we have
314(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 217: The ID supplied 217 does not refer to a menu item we have
316(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 218: The ID supplied 218 does not refer to a menu item we have
318(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 219: The ID supplied 219 does not refer to a menu item we have
320(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 220: The ID supplied 220 does not refer to a menu item we have
322(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 222: The ID supplied 222 does not refer to a menu item we have
324(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 223: The ID supplied 223 does not refer to a menu item we have
326(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 225: The ID supplied 225 does not refer to a menu item we have
328(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 226: The ID supplied 226 does not refer to a menu item we have
330(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 227: The ID supplied 227 does not refer to a menu item we have
332(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 228: The ID supplied 228 does not refer to a menu item we have
334(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 229: The ID supplied 229 does not refer to a menu item we have
336(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 230: The ID supplied 230 does not refer to a menu item we have
338(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 231: The ID supplied 231 does not refer to a menu item we have
340(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 232: The ID supplied 232 does not refer to a menu item we have
342(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 233: The ID supplied 233 does not refer to a menu item we have
344(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 234: The ID supplied 234 does not refer to a menu item we have
346(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 235: The ID supplied 235 does not refer to a menu item we have
348(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 236: The ID supplied 236 does not refer to a menu item we have
350(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 237: The ID supplied 237 does not refer to a menu item we have
352(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 238: The ID supplied 238 does not refer to a menu item we have
354(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 239: The ID supplied 239 does not refer to a menu item we have
356(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 240: The ID supplied 240 does not refer to a menu item we have
358(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 241: The ID supplied 241 does not refer to a menu item we have
360(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 242: The ID supplied 242 does not refer to a menu item we have
362(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 243: The ID supplied 243 does not refer to a menu item we have
364(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 244: The ID supplied 244 does not refer to a menu item we have
366(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 245: The ID supplied 245 does not refer to a menu item we have
368(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 246: The ID supplied 246 does not refer to a menu item we have
370(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 247: The ID supplied 247 does not refer to a menu item we have
372(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 248: The ID supplied 248 does not refer to a menu item we have
374(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 249: The ID supplied 249 does not refer to a menu item we have
376(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 250: The ID supplied 250 does not refer to a menu item we have
378(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 251: The ID supplied 251 does not refer to a menu item we have
380(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 252: The ID supplied 252 does not refer to a menu item we have
382(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 253: The ID supplied 253 does not refer to a menu item we have
384(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 254: The ID supplied 254 does not refer to a menu item we have
386(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 255: The ID supplied 255 does not refer to a menu item we have
388(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 256: The ID supplied 256 does not refer to a menu item we have
390(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 258: The ID supplied 258 does not refer to a menu item we have
392(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 259: The ID supplied 259 does not refer to a menu item we have
394(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 260: The ID supplied 260 does not refer to a menu item we have
396(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 262: The ID supplied 262 does not refer to a menu item we have
398(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 263: The ID supplied 263 does not refer to a menu item we have
400(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 264: The ID supplied 264 does not refer to a menu item we have
402(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 265: The ID supplied 265 does not refer to a menu item we have
404(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 266: The ID supplied 266 does not refer to a menu item we have
406(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 267: The ID supplied 267 does not refer to a menu item we have
408(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 268: The ID supplied 268 does not refer to a menu item we have
410(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 269: The ID supplied 269 does not refer to a menu item we have
412(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 270: The ID supplied 270 does not refer to a menu item we have
414(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 271: The ID supplied 271 does not refer to a menu item we have
416(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 273: The ID supplied 273 does not refer to a menu item we have
418(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 274: The ID supplied 274 does not refer to a menu item we have
420(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 275: The ID supplied 275 does not refer to a menu item we have
422(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 276: The ID supplied 276 does not refer to a menu item we have
424(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 278: The ID supplied 278 does not refer to a menu item we have
426(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 279: The ID supplied 279 does not refer to a menu item we have
428(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 280: The ID supplied 280 does not refer to a menu item we have
430(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 281: The ID supplied 281 does not refer to a menu item we have
432(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 282: The ID supplied 282 does not refer to a menu item we have
434(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 284: The ID supplied 284 does not refer to a menu item we have
436(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 285: The ID supplied 285 does not refer to a menu item we have
438(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 286: The ID supplied 286 does not refer to a menu item we have
440(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 287: The ID supplied 287 does not refer to a menu item we have
442(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 290: The ID supplied 290 does not refer to a menu item we have
444(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 291: The ID supplied 291 does not refer to a menu item we have
446(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 292: The ID supplied 292 does not refer to a menu item we have
448(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 293: The ID supplied 293 does not refer to a menu item we have
449[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:23 WinSwitchApplet.attention(Connected to server 'blechmobil',None)
451(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 784: The ID supplied 784 does not refer to a menu item we have
453(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 785: The ID supplied 785 does not refer to a menu item we have
455(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 786: The ID supplied 786 does not refer to a menu item we have
457(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 787: The ID supplied 787 does not refer to a menu item we have
459(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 788: The ID supplied 788 does not refer to a menu item we have
461(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 789: The ID supplied 789 does not refer to a menu item we have
463(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 797: The ID supplied 797 does not refer to a menu item we have
465(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 801: The ID supplied 801 does not refer to a menu item we have
467(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 911: The ID supplied 911 does not refer to a menu item we have
469(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 916: The ID supplied 916 does not refer to a menu item we have
471(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 917: The ID supplied 917 does not refer to a menu item we have
473(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 929: The ID supplied 929 does not refer to a menu item we have
475(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 932: The ID supplied 932 does not refer to a menu item we have
477(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 937: The ID supplied 937 does not refer to a menu item we have
479(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1093: The ID supplied 1093 does not refer to a menu item we have
481(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1098: The ID supplied 1098 does not refer to a menu item we have
483(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1099: The ID supplied 1099 does not refer to a menu item we have
485(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1100: The ID supplied 1100 does not refer to a menu item we have
487(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 790: The ID supplied 790 does not refer to a menu item we have
489(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 791: The ID supplied 791 does not refer to a menu item we have
491(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 792: The ID supplied 792 does not refer to a menu item we have
493(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 793: The ID supplied 793 does not refer to a menu item we have
495(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 794: The ID supplied 794 does not refer to a menu item we have
497(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 795: The ID supplied 795 does not refer to a menu item we have
499(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 796: The ID supplied 796 does not refer to a menu item we have
501(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 798: The ID supplied 798 does not refer to a menu item we have
503(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 799: The ID supplied 799 does not refer to a menu item we have
505(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 800: The ID supplied 800 does not refer to a menu item we have
507(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 802: The ID supplied 802 does not refer to a menu item we have
509(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 803: The ID supplied 803 does not refer to a menu item we have
511(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 817: The ID supplied 817 does not refer to a menu item we have
513(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 819: The ID supplied 819 does not refer to a menu item we have
515(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 826: The ID supplied 826 does not refer to a menu item we have
517(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 830: The ID supplied 830 does not refer to a menu item we have
519(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 849: The ID supplied 849 does not refer to a menu item we have
521(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 852: The ID supplied 852 does not refer to a menu item we have
523(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 885: The ID supplied 885 does not refer to a menu item we have
525(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 889: The ID supplied 889 does not refer to a menu item we have
527(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 900: The ID supplied 900 does not refer to a menu item we have
529(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 905: The ID supplied 905 does not refer to a menu item we have
531(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 804: The ID supplied 804 does not refer to a menu item we have
533(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 805: The ID supplied 805 does not refer to a menu item we have
535(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 806: The ID supplied 806 does not refer to a menu item we have
537(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 807: The ID supplied 807 does not refer to a menu item we have
539(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 808: The ID supplied 808 does not refer to a menu item we have
541(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 809: The ID supplied 809 does not refer to a menu item we have
543(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 810: The ID supplied 810 does not refer to a menu item we have
545(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 811: The ID supplied 811 does not refer to a menu item we have
547(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 812: The ID supplied 812 does not refer to a menu item we have
549(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 813: The ID supplied 813 does not refer to a menu item we have
551(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 814: The ID supplied 814 does not refer to a menu item we have
553(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 815: The ID supplied 815 does not refer to a menu item we have
555(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 816: The ID supplied 816 does not refer to a menu item we have
557(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 818: The ID supplied 818 does not refer to a menu item we have
559(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 820: The ID supplied 820 does not refer to a menu item we have
561(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 821: The ID supplied 821 does not refer to a menu item we have
563(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 822: The ID supplied 822 does not refer to a menu item we have
565(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 823: The ID supplied 823 does not refer to a menu item we have
567(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 824: The ID supplied 824 does not refer to a menu item we have
569(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 825: The ID supplied 825 does not refer to a menu item we have
571(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 827: The ID supplied 827 does not refer to a menu item we have
573(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 828: The ID supplied 828 does not refer to a menu item we have
575(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 829: The ID supplied 829 does not refer to a menu item we have
577(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 831: The ID supplied 831 does not refer to a menu item we have
579(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 832: The ID supplied 832 does not refer to a menu item we have
581(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 833: The ID supplied 833 does not refer to a menu item we have
583(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 834: The ID supplied 834 does not refer to a menu item we have
585(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 835: The ID supplied 835 does not refer to a menu item we have
587(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 836: The ID supplied 836 does not refer to a menu item we have
589(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 837: The ID supplied 837 does not refer to a menu item we have
591(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 838: The ID supplied 838 does not refer to a menu item we have
593(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 839: The ID supplied 839 does not refer to a menu item we have
595(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 840: The ID supplied 840 does not refer to a menu item we have
597(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 841: The ID supplied 841 does not refer to a menu item we have
599(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 842: The ID supplied 842 does not refer to a menu item we have
601(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 843: The ID supplied 843 does not refer to a menu item we have
603(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 844: The ID supplied 844 does not refer to a menu item we have
605(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 845: The ID supplied 845 does not refer to a menu item we have
607(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 846: The ID supplied 846 does not refer to a menu item we have
609(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 847: The ID supplied 847 does not refer to a menu item we have
611(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 848: The ID supplied 848 does not refer to a menu item we have
613(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 850: The ID supplied 850 does not refer to a menu item we have
615(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 851: The ID supplied 851 does not refer to a menu item we have
617(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 853: The ID supplied 853 does not refer to a menu item we have
619(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 854: The ID supplied 854 does not refer to a menu item we have
621(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 855: The ID supplied 855 does not refer to a menu item we have
623(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 856: The ID supplied 856 does not refer to a menu item we have
625(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 857: The ID supplied 857 does not refer to a menu item we have
627(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 858: The ID supplied 858 does not refer to a menu item we have
629(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 859: The ID supplied 859 does not refer to a menu item we have
631(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 860: The ID supplied 860 does not refer to a menu item we have
633(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 861: The ID supplied 861 does not refer to a menu item we have
635(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 862: The ID supplied 862 does not refer to a menu item we have
637(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 863: The ID supplied 863 does not refer to a menu item we have
639(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 864: The ID supplied 864 does not refer to a menu item we have
641(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 865: The ID supplied 865 does not refer to a menu item we have
643(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 866: The ID supplied 866 does not refer to a menu item we have
645(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 867: The ID supplied 867 does not refer to a menu item we have
647(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 868: The ID supplied 868 does not refer to a menu item we have
649(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 869: The ID supplied 869 does not refer to a menu item we have
651(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 870: The ID supplied 870 does not refer to a menu item we have
653(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 871: The ID supplied 871 does not refer to a menu item we have
655(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 872: The ID supplied 872 does not refer to a menu item we have
657(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 873: The ID supplied 873 does not refer to a menu item we have
659(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 874: The ID supplied 874 does not refer to a menu item we have
661(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 875: The ID supplied 875 does not refer to a menu item we have
663(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 876: The ID supplied 876 does not refer to a menu item we have
665(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 877: The ID supplied 877 does not refer to a menu item we have
667(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 878: The ID supplied 878 does not refer to a menu item we have
669(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 879: The ID supplied 879 does not refer to a menu item we have
671(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 880: The ID supplied 880 does not refer to a menu item we have
673(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 881: The ID supplied 881 does not refer to a menu item we have
675(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 882: The ID supplied 882 does not refer to a menu item we have
677(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 883: The ID supplied 883 does not refer to a menu item we have
679(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 884: The ID supplied 884 does not refer to a menu item we have
681(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 886: The ID supplied 886 does not refer to a menu item we have
683(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 887: The ID supplied 887 does not refer to a menu item we have
685(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 888: The ID supplied 888 does not refer to a menu item we have
687(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 890: The ID supplied 890 does not refer to a menu item we have
689(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 891: The ID supplied 891 does not refer to a menu item we have
691(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 892: The ID supplied 892 does not refer to a menu item we have
693(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 893: The ID supplied 893 does not refer to a menu item we have
695(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 894: The ID supplied 894 does not refer to a menu item we have
697(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 895: The ID supplied 895 does not refer to a menu item we have
699(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 896: The ID supplied 896 does not refer to a menu item we have
701(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 897: The ID supplied 897 does not refer to a menu item we have
703(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 898: The ID supplied 898 does not refer to a menu item we have
705(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 899: The ID supplied 899 does not refer to a menu item we have
707(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 901: The ID supplied 901 does not refer to a menu item we have
709(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 902: The ID supplied 902 does not refer to a menu item we have
711(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 903: The ID supplied 903 does not refer to a menu item we have
713(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 904: The ID supplied 904 does not refer to a menu item we have
715(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 906: The ID supplied 906 does not refer to a menu item we have
717(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 907: The ID supplied 907 does not refer to a menu item we have
719(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 908: The ID supplied 908 does not refer to a menu item we have
721(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 909: The ID supplied 909 does not refer to a menu item we have
723(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 910: The ID supplied 910 does not refer to a menu item we have
725(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 912: The ID supplied 912 does not refer to a menu item we have
727(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 913: The ID supplied 913 does not refer to a menu item we have
729(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 914: The ID supplied 914 does not refer to a menu item we have
731(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 915: The ID supplied 915 does not refer to a menu item we have
733(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 918: The ID supplied 918 does not refer to a menu item we have
735(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 919: The ID supplied 919 does not refer to a menu item we have
737(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 920: The ID supplied 920 does not refer to a menu item we have
739(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 921: The ID supplied 921 does not refer to a menu item we have
741(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 922: The ID supplied 922 does not refer to a menu item we have
743(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 923: The ID supplied 923 does not refer to a menu item we have
745(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 924: The ID supplied 924 does not refer to a menu item we have
747(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 925: The ID supplied 925 does not refer to a menu item we have
749(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 926: The ID supplied 926 does not refer to a menu item we have
751(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 927: The ID supplied 927 does not refer to a menu item we have
753(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 928: The ID supplied 928 does not refer to a menu item we have
755(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 930: The ID supplied 930 does not refer to a menu item we have
757(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 931: The ID supplied 931 does not refer to a menu item we have
759(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 933: The ID supplied 933 does not refer to a menu item we have
761(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 934: The ID supplied 934 does not refer to a menu item we have
763(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 935: The ID supplied 935 does not refer to a menu item we have
765(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 936: The ID supplied 936 does not refer to a menu item we have
767(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 938: The ID supplied 938 does not refer to a menu item we have
769(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 939: The ID supplied 939 does not refer to a menu item we have
771(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 958: The ID supplied 958 does not refer to a menu item we have
773(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 976: The ID supplied 976 does not refer to a menu item we have
775(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 940: The ID supplied 940 does not refer to a menu item we have
777(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 941: The ID supplied 941 does not refer to a menu item we have
779(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 942: The ID supplied 942 does not refer to a menu item we have
781(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 943: The ID supplied 943 does not refer to a menu item we have
783(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 944: The ID supplied 944 does not refer to a menu item we have
785(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 945: The ID supplied 945 does not refer to a menu item we have
787(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 946: The ID supplied 946 does not refer to a menu item we have
789(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 947: The ID supplied 947 does not refer to a menu item we have
791(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 948: The ID supplied 948 does not refer to a menu item we have
793(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 949: The ID supplied 949 does not refer to a menu item we have
795(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 950: The ID supplied 950 does not refer to a menu item we have
797(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 951: The ID supplied 951 does not refer to a menu item we have
799(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 952: The ID supplied 952 does not refer to a menu item we have
801(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 953: The ID supplied 953 does not refer to a menu item we have
803(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 954: The ID supplied 954 does not refer to a menu item we have
805(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 955: The ID supplied 955 does not refer to a menu item we have
807(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 956: The ID supplied 956 does not refer to a menu item we have
809(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 957: The ID supplied 957 does not refer to a menu item we have
811(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 959: The ID supplied 959 does not refer to a menu item we have
813(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 960: The ID supplied 960 does not refer to a menu item we have
815(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 961: The ID supplied 961 does not refer to a menu item we have
817(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 962: The ID supplied 962 does not refer to a menu item we have
819(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 963: The ID supplied 963 does not refer to a menu item we have
821(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 964: The ID supplied 964 does not refer to a menu item we have
823(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 965: The ID supplied 965 does not refer to a menu item we have
825(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 966: The ID supplied 966 does not refer to a menu item we have
827(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 967: The ID supplied 967 does not refer to a menu item we have
829(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 968: The ID supplied 968 does not refer to a menu item we have
831(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 969: The ID supplied 969 does not refer to a menu item we have
833(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 970: The ID supplied 970 does not refer to a menu item we have
835(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 971: The ID supplied 971 does not refer to a menu item we have
837(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 972: The ID supplied 972 does not refer to a menu item we have
839(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 973: The ID supplied 973 does not refer to a menu item we have
841(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 974: The ID supplied 974 does not refer to a menu item we have
843(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 975: The ID supplied 975 does not refer to a menu item we have
845(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 977: The ID supplied 977 does not refer to a menu item we have
847(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 978: The ID supplied 978 does not refer to a menu item we have
849(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 979: The ID supplied 979 does not refer to a menu item we have
851(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 980: The ID supplied 980 does not refer to a menu item we have
853(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 981: The ID supplied 981 does not refer to a menu item we have
855(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 982: The ID supplied 982 does not refer to a menu item we have
857(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 983: The ID supplied 983 does not refer to a menu item we have
859(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 984: The ID supplied 984 does not refer to a menu item we have
861(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 985: The ID supplied 985 does not refer to a menu item we have
863(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 986: The ID supplied 986 does not refer to a menu item we have
865(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 987: The ID supplied 987 does not refer to a menu item we have
867(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 988: The ID supplied 988 does not refer to a menu item we have
869(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 989: The ID supplied 989 does not refer to a menu item we have
871(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 990: The ID supplied 990 does not refer to a menu item we have
873(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 991: The ID supplied 991 does not refer to a menu item we have
875(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 992: The ID supplied 992 does not refer to a menu item we have
877(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 993: The ID supplied 993 does not refer to a menu item we have
879(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 994: The ID supplied 994 does not refer to a menu item we have
881(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 995: The ID supplied 995 does not refer to a menu item we have
883(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 996: The ID supplied 996 does not refer to a menu item we have
885(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 997: The ID supplied 997 does not refer to a menu item we have
887(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 998: The ID supplied 998 does not refer to a menu item we have
889(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 999: The ID supplied 999 does not refer to a menu item we have
891(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1000: The ID supplied 1000 does not refer to a menu item we have
893(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1001: The ID supplied 1001 does not refer to a menu item we have
895(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1002: The ID supplied 1002 does not refer to a menu item we have
897(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1003: The ID supplied 1003 does not refer to a menu item we have
899(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1004: The ID supplied 1004 does not refer to a menu item we have
901(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1005: The ID supplied 1005 does not refer to a menu item we have
903(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1006: The ID supplied 1006 does not refer to a menu item we have
905(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1007: The ID supplied 1007 does not refer to a menu item we have
907(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1008: The ID supplied 1008 does not refer to a menu item we have
909(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1009: The ID supplied 1009 does not refer to a menu item we have
911(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1010: The ID supplied 1010 does not refer to a menu item we have
913(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1011: The ID supplied 1011 does not refer to a menu item we have
915(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1012: The ID supplied 1012 does not refer to a menu item we have
917(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1013: The ID supplied 1013 does not refer to a menu item we have
919(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1014: The ID supplied 1014 does not refer to a menu item we have
921(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1015: The ID supplied 1015 does not refer to a menu item we have
923(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1016: The ID supplied 1016 does not refer to a menu item we have
925(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1017: The ID supplied 1017 does not refer to a menu item we have
927(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1018: The ID supplied 1018 does not refer to a menu item we have
929(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1019: The ID supplied 1019 does not refer to a menu item we have
931(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1020: The ID supplied 1020 does not refer to a menu item we have
933(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1021: The ID supplied 1021 does not refer to a menu item we have
935(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1022: The ID supplied 1022 does not refer to a menu item we have
937(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1023: The ID supplied 1023 does not refer to a menu item we have
939(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1024: The ID supplied 1024 does not refer to a menu item we have
941(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1025: The ID supplied 1025 does not refer to a menu item we have
943(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1026: The ID supplied 1026 does not refer to a menu item we have
945(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1027: The ID supplied 1027 does not refer to a menu item we have
947(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1028: The ID supplied 1028 does not refer to a menu item we have
949(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1029: The ID supplied 1029 does not refer to a menu item we have
951(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1030: The ID supplied 1030 does not refer to a menu item we have
953(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1031: The ID supplied 1031 does not refer to a menu item we have
955(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1032: The ID supplied 1032 does not refer to a menu item we have
957(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1033: The ID supplied 1033 does not refer to a menu item we have
959(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1034: The ID supplied 1034 does not refer to a menu item we have
961(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1035: The ID supplied 1035 does not refer to a menu item we have
963(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1036: The ID supplied 1036 does not refer to a menu item we have
965(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1037: The ID supplied 1037 does not refer to a menu item we have
967(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1038: The ID supplied 1038 does not refer to a menu item we have
969(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1039: The ID supplied 1039 does not refer to a menu item we have
971(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1040: The ID supplied 1040 does not refer to a menu item we have
973(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1041: The ID supplied 1041 does not refer to a menu item we have
975(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1042: The ID supplied 1042 does not refer to a menu item we have
977(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1043: The ID supplied 1043 does not refer to a menu item we have
979(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1044: The ID supplied 1044 does not refer to a menu item we have
981(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1045: The ID supplied 1045 does not refer to a menu item we have
983(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1046: The ID supplied 1046 does not refer to a menu item we have
985(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1047: The ID supplied 1047 does not refer to a menu item we have
987(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1048: The ID supplied 1048 does not refer to a menu item we have
989(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1049: The ID supplied 1049 does not refer to a menu item we have
991(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1050: The ID supplied 1050 does not refer to a menu item we have
993(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1051: The ID supplied 1051 does not refer to a menu item we have
995(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1052: The ID supplied 1052 does not refer to a menu item we have
997(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1053: The ID supplied 1053 does not refer to a menu item we have
999(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1054: The ID supplied 1054 does not refer to a menu item we have
1001(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1055: The ID supplied 1055 does not refer to a menu item we have
1003(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1056: The ID supplied 1056 does not refer to a menu item we have
1005(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1057: The ID supplied 1057 does not refer to a menu item we have
1007(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1058: The ID supplied 1058 does not refer to a menu item we have
1009(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1059: The ID supplied 1059 does not refer to a menu item we have
1011(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1060: The ID supplied 1060 does not refer to a menu item we have
1013(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1061: The ID supplied 1061 does not refer to a menu item we have
1015(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1062: The ID supplied 1062 does not refer to a menu item we have
1017(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1063: The ID supplied 1063 does not refer to a menu item we have
1019(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1064: The ID supplied 1064 does not refer to a menu item we have
1021(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1065: The ID supplied 1065 does not refer to a menu item we have
1023(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1066: The ID supplied 1066 does not refer to a menu item we have
1025(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1067: The ID supplied 1067 does not refer to a menu item we have
1027(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1068: The ID supplied 1068 does not refer to a menu item we have
1029(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1069: The ID supplied 1069 does not refer to a menu item we have
1031(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1070: The ID supplied 1070 does not refer to a menu item we have
1033(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1071: The ID supplied 1071 does not refer to a menu item we have
1035(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1072: The ID supplied 1072 does not refer to a menu item we have
1037(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1073: The ID supplied 1073 does not refer to a menu item we have
1039(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1074: The ID supplied 1074 does not refer to a menu item we have
1041(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1075: The ID supplied 1075 does not refer to a menu item we have
1043(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1076: The ID supplied 1076 does not refer to a menu item we have
1045(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1077: The ID supplied 1077 does not refer to a menu item we have
1047(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1078: The ID supplied 1078 does not refer to a menu item we have
1049(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1079: The ID supplied 1079 does not refer to a menu item we have
1051(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1080: The ID supplied 1080 does not refer to a menu item we have
1053(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1081: The ID supplied 1081 does not refer to a menu item we have
1055(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1082: The ID supplied 1082 does not refer to a menu item we have
1057(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1083: The ID supplied 1083 does not refer to a menu item we have
1059(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1084: The ID supplied 1084 does not refer to a menu item we have
1061(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1085: The ID supplied 1085 does not refer to a menu item we have
1063(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1086: The ID supplied 1086 does not refer to a menu item we have
1065(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1087: The ID supplied 1087 does not refer to a menu item we have
1067(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1088: The ID supplied 1088 does not refer to a menu item we have
1069(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1089: The ID supplied 1089 does not refer to a menu item we have
1071(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1090: The ID supplied 1090 does not refer to a menu item we have
1073(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1091: The ID supplied 1091 does not refer to a menu item we have
1075(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1092: The ID supplied 1092 does not refer to a menu item we have
1077(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1094: The ID supplied 1094 does not refer to a menu item we have
1079(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1095: The ID supplied 1095 does not refer to a menu item we have
1081(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1096: The ID supplied 1096 does not refer to a menu item we have
1083(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 1097: The ID supplied 1097 does not refer to a menu item we have
1084[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:40 ServerSettings.test_supports_ssh() OK: X11 Forwarding is enabled (config line=x11forwarding yes)
1085[EE] 2012/21/04 15:43:40 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},ServerSettings(),winswitch.objects.server_settings.ServerSettings,[],[],[],True,True) 'gst_sound_sink_options' is missing!
1086[EE] 2012/21/04 15:43:40 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},ServerSettings(),winswitch.objects.server_settings.ServerSettings,[],[],[],True,True) 'gst_sound_source_options' is missing!
1087[EE] 2012/21/04 15:43:40 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},ServerSettings(),winswitch.objects.server_settings.ServerSettings,[],[],[],True,True) found some unused/invalid keys: {'gst_sound_sink_options["device"]': 'alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo', 'gst_sound_source_options["device"]': 'alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo'}
1088[II] 2012/21/04 15:43:40 WinSwitchApplet.check_mdns_data_received() mdns seems to be working ok, we have already received 3 records
1089[II] 2012/21/04 15:44:20 UI_Util.get_command_menu_entry(ServerConfig(blechblubs:162455579858),Command(Gscriptor: gscriptor)) missing icon!
1090[II] 2012/21/04 15:44:20 UI_Util.get_command_menu_entry(ServerConfig(blechblubs:162455579858),Command(QTNX: /usr/bin/qtnx)) missing icon!
1091[II] 2012/21/04 15:44:20 UI_Util.get_command_menu_entry(ServerConfig(blechblubs:162455579858),Command(Zenmap: zenmap %F)) missing icon!
1092[II] 2012/21/04 15:44:20 UI_Util.get_command_menu_entry(ServerConfig(blechblubs:162455579858),Command(Zenmap (as root): /build/buildd/nmap-5.21/debian/tmp/usr/share/zenmap/su-to-zenmap.sh %F)) missing icon!
1093[II] 2012/21/04 15:44:20 UI_Util.get_command_menu_entry(ServerConfig(blechblubs:162455579858),Command(UNetbootin: /usr/bin/unetbootin)) missing icon!
1094[II] 2012/21/04 15:44:20 UI_Util.group_commands_in_categories(ServerConfig(blechmobil:117973712065),[Command(ADSL/PPPOE-Konfiguration: /usr/sbin/pppoeconf), Command(Aktualisierungsverwaltung: mintupdate), Command(ArbeitsflÀchen-Einstellungen: mintdesktop), Command(Archivmanager: engrampa %U), Command(Archivmanager: file-roller %U), Command(Audacity: audacity), Command(Audio: gnome-control-center sound), Command(Audio-Recorder: gnome-sound-recorder), Command(Audio-Recorder: mate-sound-recorder), Command(Banshee: banshee --redirect-log --play-enqueued %U), Command(Barrierefreiheit: gnome-control-center universal-access), Command(Benutzer und Gruppen: users-admin), Command(Benutzer und Gruppen: mate-users-admin), Command(Benutzerkonten: gnome-control-center user-accounts), Command(Bevorzugte Anwendungen: mate-default-applications-properties), Command(Bildbetrachter: eog %U), Command(Bildschirm: gnome-control-center screen), Command(Bildschirme: mate-display-properties), Command(Bildschirmschoner: mate-screensaver-preferences), Command(Bluetooth: gnome-control-center bluetooth), Command(Brasero: brasero %U), Command(Chromium-Webbrowser: /usr/bin/chromium %U), Command(Cinnamon Settings: cinnamon-settings), Command(Cinnamon: System Monitor Preference: cinnamon-system-monitor-config), Command(Datei-Browser: caja --no-desktop --browser %U), Command(Dateien: nautilus %U), Command(Datensicherungswerkzeug: mintbackup), Command(Datum und Uhrzeit: time-admin), Command(Datum und Uhrzeit: mate-time-admin), Command(Datum und Zeit: gnome-control-center datetime), Command(Dienste: mate-services-admin), Command(Dienste: services-admin), Command(Dokumentenbetrachter: evince %U), Command(Dropbox: dropbox start -i), Command(Drucken: system-config-printer), Command(Drucker: gnome-control-center printers), Command(EOM-Bildbetrachter: eom %U), Command(Einstellungen fÃŒr Nautilus-Aktionen: nautilus-actions-config-tool), Command(Energiestatistiken: gnome-power-statistics), Command(Epiphany: epiphany-game), Command(Erscheinungsbild: mate-appearance-properties %F), Command(Erweiterte Einstellungen: gnome-tweak-tool), Command(FSlint: fslint-gui), Command(Farbe: gnome-control-center color), Command(Fenster: mate-window-properties), Command(Festplattenbelegung analysieren: mate-disk-usage-analyzer), Command(Festplattenbelegung analysieren: baobab), Command(FileZilla: filezilla), Command(Firefox Web Browser: /opt/firefox/firefox %u), Command(Firewall-Konfiguration: gufw), Command(Freigabe der ArbeitsflÀche: vino-preferences), Command(Freigegebene Ordner: mate-shares-admin), Command(GDebi-Paket-Installationsprogramm: gdebi-gtk %f), Command(GKrellM System Monitor: gkrellm), Command(GNOME MPlayer: gnome-mplayer %U), Command(GNOME PPP: gnome-ppp), Command(GNU Image Manipulation Program: gimp-2.6 %U), Command(GParted: gparted-pkexec), Command(GPaste daemon settings: /usr/libexec/gpaste/gpaste-settings), Command(Giver: giver), Command(HauptmenÃŒ: mozo), Command(Hilfe: yelp %u), Command(Hilfstechnologien: mate-at-properties), Command(Hintergrund: gnome-control-center background), Command(Htop: htop), Command(Internetadresse sperren: mintnanny), Command(KeePassX: keepassx %f), Command(Kontakte: gnome-contacts), Command(Laufwerksverwaltung: palimpsest), Command(LautstÀrkeregler: mate-volume-control), Command(Leistung: gnome-control-center power), Command(LibreOffice: libreoffice %U), Command(LibreOffice Base: libreoffice --base %U), Command(LibreOffice Calc: libreoffice --calc %U), Command(LibreOffice Draw: libreoffice --draw %U), Command(LibreOffice Impress: libreoffice --impress %U), Command(LibreOffice Math: libreoffice --math %U), Command(LibreOffice Writer: libreoffice --writer %U), Command(Maus: mate-mouse-properties), Command(Maus und Touchpad: gnome-control-center mouse), Command(Meld: meld), Command(Midori: midori --private), Command(Midori Private Browsing: midori --private %U), Command(Monitore: gnome-control-center display), Command(Mozilla Thunderbird Mail/News: /opt/thunderbird/thunderbird %u), Command(Nach Dateien suchen 
: gnome-search-tool), Command(Nach Dateien suchen 
: mate-search-tool), Command(Nautilus PyExtensions: nautilus-pyextensions), Command(Netzwerk: mate-network-admin), Command(Netzwerk: gnome-control-center network), Command(Netzwerk: network-admin), Command(Netzwerk: caja --no-desktop network:), Command(Netzwerk-Proxy: mate-network-properties), Command(Netzwerkdiagnose: gnome-nettool), Command(Netzwerkverbindungen: nm-connection-editor), Command(Online-Konten: gnome-control-center online-accounts), Command(Passwörter und VerschlÃŒsselung: seahorse), Command(Persönliche Dateifreigabe: gnome-file-share-properties), Command(Persönlicher Ordner: caja --no-desktop), Command(Pidgin Internet-Sofortnachrichtendienst: pidgin), Command(PulseAudio-Einstellungen: paprefs), Command(Rechner: caja --no-desktop computer:), Command(Region und Sprache: gnome-control-center region), Command(Root Terminal: gksu /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator), Command(SMPlayer: smplayer %U), Command(SSL/SSH VNC Viewer: ssvnc -noenc), Command(Simple Scan: simple-scan), Command(Skype: skype), Command(Softwareverwaltung: mintinstall), Command(Startprogramme: mate-session-properties), Command(Sun Java 6 Plugin Control Panel: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-, Command(Sun Java 6 Policy Tool: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-, Command(Synaptic-Paketverwaltung: su-to-root -X -c /usr/sbin/synaptic), Command(System Profiler and Benchmark: hardinfo), Command(System-Information: gnome-control-center info), Command(Systemeinstellungen: gnome-control-center --overview), Command(Systemprotokollbetrachter: pkexec gnome-system-log), Command(Systemprotokollbetrachter: mate-system-log), Command(SystemÃŒberwachung: mate-system-monitor), Command(SystemÃŒberwachung: gnome-system-monitor), Command(Taschenrechner: gcalctool), Command(Taschenrechner: mate-calc), Command(Tastatur: gnome-control-center keyboard), Command(Tastatur: mate-keyboard-properties), Command(Tastenkombinationen: mate-keybinding-properties), Command(Terminal: mate-terminal), Command(Terminal: gnome-terminal), Command(Tomboy Notizen: tomboy --search), Command(Transmission: transmission-gtk %U), Command(UXTerm: uxterm), Command(Unison: unison-2.40.63-gtk), Command(Uploadmanager: mintupload-manager), Command(VLC Media Player: /usr/bin/vlc %U), Command(Verwaltung von Dateien: caja-file-management-properties), Command(Video-Player: totem %U), Command(Wacom Grafiktablett: gnome-control-center wacom), Command(Wechselmedien: gnome-control-center media), Command(Willkommensbildschirm: mintwelcome), Command(Windows WLAN Treiber: su-to-root -X -c "/usr/sbin/ndisgtk"), Command(Wireshark: wireshark %f), Command(Wörterbuch: mate-dictionary), Command(Wörterbuch: gnome-dictionary), Command(XChat IRC: xchat), Command(XML Copy Editor: xmlcopyeditor %U), Command(XTerm: xterm), Command(Zeichentabelle: gucharmap), Command(Zenmap: zenmap %F), Command(Zenmap (as root): /tmp/nmap-5.21/debian/tmp/usr/share/zenmap/su-to-zenmap.sh %F), Command(gThumb: gthumb %U), Command(gedit: gedit %U), Command(pluma: pluma %U)]) no commands found for menu group: Category(BÃŒro)
1095[II] 2012/21/04 15:44:20 UI_Util.get_command_menu_entry(ServerConfig(blechmobil:117973712065),Command(Zenmap: zenmap %F)) missing icon!
1096[II] 2012/21/04 15:44:20 UI_Util.get_command_menu_entry(ServerConfig(blechmobil:117973712065),Command(Zenmap (as root): /tmp/nmap-5.21/debian/tmp/usr/share/zenmap/su-to-zenmap.sh %F)) missing icon!
1097[II] 2012/21/04 15:44:20 UI_Util.get_command_menu_entry(ServerConfig(blechmobil:117973712065),Command(FSlint: fslint-gui)) missing icon!
1098[II] 2012/21/04 15:44:20 UI_Util.get_command_menu_entry(ServerConfig(blechmobil:117973712065),Desktop(Cinnamon: gnome-session-cinnamon)) missing icon!
1099/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/winswitch/ui/session_start_options.py:197: DeprecationWarning: use gtk.ComboBox
1100  self.session_type_combo = gtk.OptionMenu()
1101[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:37 WinSwitchApplet.do_start_session(ServerConfig(blechblubs:162455579858),Command(Custom Command: gnome-terminal),xpra,None,{'clipboard_option': True},False)
1102[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:37 WinSwitchApplet.attention(Starting Custom Command,None)
1103[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:37 WinSwitchClientChannel.start_session(custom-command://gnome-terminal,xpra,,clipboard_option=True;) command=Command(Terminal: /usr/bin/gnome-terminal)
1104[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:37 WinSwitchServer.start_session(User(Thomas KÀfer : d1dfd66cfad944ada3da06c8dc669e92),xpra,Command(Terminal: /usr/bin/gnome-terminal),,{'clipboard_option': 'True'},None)
1105[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:37 XpraServerUtil.start_dbus(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) dbus_pid=2532, dbus_address=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-ktlmDhKgFF,guid=ccaa48240ce6cb3e78e8762d000001c2
1106[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:38 virt_server_daemonizer.grab_daemon_pid(['/usr/lib/winswitch/virt_server_daemonizer', '--quiet', '--print-pid', '--daemon', '--log-file', '/home/kaefert/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/pulse.log', '--', '/usr/bin/pulseaudio', '--start', '-vvvv', '--disable-shm=true', '--daemonize=false', '--use-pid-file=false', '--system=false', '--exit-idle-time=-1', '-n', '--load=module-suspend-on-idle', '--load=module-null-sink', '--load=module-native-protocol-unix socket=/tmp/pulse-61/native'],None,{'USERNAME': 'kaefert', 'LANG': 'de_AT.utf8', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'XAUTHORITY': '/var/run/gdm/auth-for-kaefert-fuKIoX/database', 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS': 'unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-ktlmDhKgFF,guid=ccaa48240ce6cb3e78e8762d000001c2', 'PWD': '/home/kaefert', 'USER': 'kaefert', 'HOME': '/home/kaefert/.winswitch/server/sessions/61', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games', 'DISPLAY': ':61'}) <subprocess.Popen object at 0x988d6cc>.returncode=0, stdoutdata=2541\n, stderrdata=, pid=2541
1107[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:38 XpraServerUtil.start_daemon(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),{'USERNAME': 'kaefert', 'LANG': 'de_AT.utf8', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'XAUTHORITY': '/var/run/gdm/auth-for-kaefert-fuKIoX/database', 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS': 'unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-ktlmDhKgFF,guid=ccaa48240ce6cb3e78e8762d000001c2', 'PWD': '/home/kaefert', 'PULSE_SERVER': 'unix:/tmp/pulse-61/native', 'USER': 'kaefert', 'HOME': '/home/kaefert', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games', 'DISPLAY': ':61', 'ALSA_PCM_NAME': 'pulse'}) starting ['/usr/bin/xpra', '--xvfb=/usr/bin/Xvfb +extension Composite -screen 0 3840x2560x24+32 -noreset -auth /var/run/gdm/auth-for-kaefert-fuKIoX/database', '--bind-tcp=', '--password-file=/home/kaefert/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/session.pass', '--no-daemon', '--no-pulseaudio', '--session-name=Terminal', 'start', ':61'], logging to /home/kaefert/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log
1108[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:39 virt_server_daemonizer.grab_daemon_pid(['/usr/lib/winswitch/virt_server_daemonizer', '--quiet', '--print-pid', '--daemon', '--log-file', '/home/kaefert/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log', '--', '/usr/bin/xpra', '--xvfb=/usr/bin/Xvfb +extension Composite -screen 0 3840x2560x24+32 -noreset -auth /var/run/gdm/auth-for-kaefert-fuKIoX/database', '--bind-tcp=', '--password-file=/home/kaefert/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/session.pass', '--no-daemon', '--no-pulseaudio', '--session-name=Terminal', 'start', ':61'],/home/kaefert,{'USERNAME': 'kaefert', 'LANG': 'de_AT.utf8', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'XAUTHORITY': '/var/run/gdm/auth-for-kaefert-fuKIoX/database', 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS': 'unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-ktlmDhKgFF,guid=ccaa48240ce6cb3e78e8762d000001c2', 'PWD': '/home/kaefert', 'PULSE_SERVER': 'unix:/tmp/pulse-61/native', 'USER': 'kaefert', 'HOME': '/home/kaefert', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games', 'DISPLAY': ':61', 'ALSA_PCM_NAME': 'pulse'}) <subprocess.Popen object at 0x988d74c>.returncode=0, stdoutdata=2553\n, stderrdata=, pid=2553
1109[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:39 XpraServerUtil.session_process_started(2553,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting))
1110[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:39 XpraServerUtil.do_watch_session_log(/home/kaefert/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,43,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) watching log with gio: <__main__.GInotifyFileMonitor object at 0x9be8e3c (GInotifyFileMonitor at 0x97c6180)>
1111[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:39 FirewallUtil.call_script(['ADD', '', '15062']) firewall script disabled
1112[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:39 WinSwitchServer.send_session_to_all(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) clients=[WinSwitchClientChannel(User(Thomas KÀfer : d1dfd66cfad944ada3da06c8dc669e92))]
1113[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:39 XpraServerUtil.wait_for_session_readyness(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),User(Thomas KÀfer : d1dfd66cfad944ada3da06c8dc669e92),<function session_started at 0x9bec10c>,<function session_error at 0x9bec064>) adding/firing session status update callbacks
1114[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:42 process_util.kill0(2553) error polling pid: [Errno 3] Kein passender Prozess gefunden
1115[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:42 XpraServerUtil.session_process_ended(2553,poll failed,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting))
1116[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:42 WinSwitchServer.send_session_status_to_all(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),closed) clients=[WinSwitchClientChannel(User(Thomas KÀfer : d1dfd66cfad944ada3da06c8dc669e92))]
1117[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:42 XpraServerUtil.session_cleanup(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - closed)) clearing /home/kaefert/.winswitch/server/sessions/61
1118[EE] 2012/21/04 15:46:42 XpraServerUtil.session_cleanup(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - closed)) failed to remove /tmp/pulse-61: [Errno 39] Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer: '/tmp/pulse-61'
1119[EE] 2012/21/04 15:46:42 XpraServerUtil.session_error(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - closed),Session failed to start) notification handler=<bound method WinSwitchServer.session_failed of <winswitch.server.controller.WinSwitchServer instance at 0x951dbac>>
1120[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:42 WinSwitchServer.session_failed(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - closed),Session failed to start) owner=d1dfd66cfad944ada3da06c8dc669e92
1121[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:42 ServerSession.close() self=ServerSession(:61 - xpra - closed), killing {'00-pulse': 2541, '10-dbus': 2532}
1122[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:42 WinSwitchClientChannel.send_remove_session(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - closed))
1124(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 5989: The ID supplied 5989 does not refer to a menu item we have
1126(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 5990: The ID supplied 5990 does not refer to a menu item we have
1128(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 5991: The ID supplied 5991 does not refer to a menu item we have
1130(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 5992: The ID supplied 5992 does not refer to a menu item we have
1132(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 5993: The ID supplied 5993 does not refer to a menu item we have
1134(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 5994: The ID supplied 5994 does not refer to a menu item we have
1136(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 5995: The ID supplied 5995 does not refer to a menu item we have
1138(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 5996: The ID supplied 5996 does not refer to a menu item we have
1140(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 5997: The ID supplied 5997 does not refer to a menu item we have
1142(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 5998: The ID supplied 5998 does not refer to a menu item we have
1144(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6000: The ID supplied 6000 does not refer to a menu item we have
1146(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6001: The ID supplied 6001 does not refer to a menu item we have
1148(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6002: The ID supplied 6002 does not refer to a menu item we have
1150(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6003: The ID supplied 6003 does not refer to a menu item we have
1152(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6005: The ID supplied 6005 does not refer to a menu item we have
1154(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6006: The ID supplied 6006 does not refer to a menu item we have
1156(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6007: The ID supplied 6007 does not refer to a menu item we have
1158(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6008: The ID supplied 6008 does not refer to a menu item we have
1160(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6009: The ID supplied 6009 does not refer to a menu item we have
1162(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6011: The ID supplied 6011 does not refer to a menu item we have
1164(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6012: The ID supplied 6012 does not refer to a menu item we have
1166(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6013: The ID supplied 6013 does not refer to a menu item we have
1168(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6014: The ID supplied 6014 does not refer to a menu item we have
1170(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6017: The ID supplied 6017 does not refer to a menu item we have
1172(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6018: The ID supplied 6018 does not refer to a menu item we have
1174(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6019: The ID supplied 6019 does not refer to a menu item we have
1176(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6020: The ID supplied 6020 does not refer to a menu item we have
1178(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6021: The ID supplied 6021 does not refer to a menu item we have
1180(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6022: The ID supplied 6022 does not refer to a menu item we have
1182(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6023: The ID supplied 6023 does not refer to a menu item we have
1184(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6024: The ID supplied 6024 does not refer to a menu item we have
1186(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6025: The ID supplied 6025 does not refer to a menu item we have
1188(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6026: The ID supplied 6026 does not refer to a menu item we have
1190(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6027: The ID supplied 6027 does not refer to a menu item we have
1192(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6029: The ID supplied 6029 does not refer to a menu item we have
1194(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6030: The ID supplied 6030 does not refer to a menu item we have
1196(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6032: The ID supplied 6032 does not refer to a menu item we have
1198(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6033: The ID supplied 6033 does not refer to a menu item we have
1200(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6034: The ID supplied 6034 does not refer to a menu item we have
1202(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6035: The ID supplied 6035 does not refer to a menu item we have
1204(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6037: The ID supplied 6037 does not refer to a menu item we have
1206(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6038: The ID supplied 6038 does not refer to a menu item we have
1208(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6057: The ID supplied 6057 does not refer to a menu item we have
1210(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6075: The ID supplied 6075 does not refer to a menu item we have
1212(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6039: The ID supplied 6039 does not refer to a menu item we have
1214(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6040: The ID supplied 6040 does not refer to a menu item we have
1216(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6041: The ID supplied 6041 does not refer to a menu item we have
1218(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6042: The ID supplied 6042 does not refer to a menu item we have
1220(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6043: The ID supplied 6043 does not refer to a menu item we have
1222(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6044: The ID supplied 6044 does not refer to a menu item we have
1224(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6045: The ID supplied 6045 does not refer to a menu item we have
1226(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6046: The ID supplied 6046 does not refer to a menu item we have
1228(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6047: The ID supplied 6047 does not refer to a menu item we have
1230(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6048: The ID supplied 6048 does not refer to a menu item we have
1232(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6049: The ID supplied 6049 does not refer to a menu item we have
1234(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6050: The ID supplied 6050 does not refer to a menu item we have
1236(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6051: The ID supplied 6051 does not refer to a menu item we have
1238(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6052: The ID supplied 6052 does not refer to a menu item we have
1240(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6053: The ID supplied 6053 does not refer to a menu item we have
1242(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6054: The ID supplied 6054 does not refer to a menu item we have
1244(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6055: The ID supplied 6055 does not refer to a menu item we have
1246(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6056: The ID supplied 6056 does not refer to a menu item we have
1248(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6058: The ID supplied 6058 does not refer to a menu item we have
1250(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6059: The ID supplied 6059 does not refer to a menu item we have
1252(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6060: The ID supplied 6060 does not refer to a menu item we have
1254(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6061: The ID supplied 6061 does not refer to a menu item we have
1256(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6062: The ID supplied 6062 does not refer to a menu item we have
1258(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6063: The ID supplied 6063 does not refer to a menu item we have
1260(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6064: The ID supplied 6064 does not refer to a menu item we have
1262(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6065: The ID supplied 6065 does not refer to a menu item we have
1264(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6066: The ID supplied 6066 does not refer to a menu item we have
1266(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6067: The ID supplied 6067 does not refer to a menu item we have
1268(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6068: The ID supplied 6068 does not refer to a menu item we have
1270(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6069: The ID supplied 6069 does not refer to a menu item we have
1272(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6070: The ID supplied 6070 does not refer to a menu item we have
1274(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6071: The ID supplied 6071 does not refer to a menu item we have
1276(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6072: The ID supplied 6072 does not refer to a menu item we have
1278(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6073: The ID supplied 6073 does not refer to a menu item we have
1280(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6074: The ID supplied 6074 does not refer to a menu item we have
1282(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6076: The ID supplied 6076 does not refer to a menu item we have
1284(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6077: The ID supplied 6077 does not refer to a menu item we have
1286(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6078: The ID supplied 6078 does not refer to a menu item we have
1288(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6079: The ID supplied 6079 does not refer to a menu item we have
1290(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6080: The ID supplied 6080 does not refer to a menu item we have
1292(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6081: The ID supplied 6081 does not refer to a menu item we have
1294(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6082: The ID supplied 6082 does not refer to a menu item we have
1296(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6083: The ID supplied 6083 does not refer to a menu item we have
1298(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6084: The ID supplied 6084 does not refer to a menu item we have
1300(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6085: The ID supplied 6085 does not refer to a menu item we have
1302(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6086: The ID supplied 6086 does not refer to a menu item we have
1304(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6087: The ID supplied 6087 does not refer to a menu item we have
1306(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6088: The ID supplied 6088 does not refer to a menu item we have
1308(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6089: The ID supplied 6089 does not refer to a menu item we have
1310(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6090: The ID supplied 6090 does not refer to a menu item we have
1312(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6091: The ID supplied 6091 does not refer to a menu item we have
1314(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6092: The ID supplied 6092 does not refer to a menu item we have
1316(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6093: The ID supplied 6093 does not refer to a menu item we have
1318(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6094: The ID supplied 6094 does not refer to a menu item we have
1320(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6095: The ID supplied 6095 does not refer to a menu item we have
1322(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6096: The ID supplied 6096 does not refer to a menu item we have
1324(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6097: The ID supplied 6097 does not refer to a menu item we have
1326(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6098: The ID supplied 6098 does not refer to a menu item we have
1328(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6099: The ID supplied 6099 does not refer to a menu item we have
1330(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6100: The ID supplied 6100 does not refer to a menu item we have
1332(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6101: The ID supplied 6101 does not refer to a menu item we have
1334(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6102: The ID supplied 6102 does not refer to a menu item we have
1336(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6103: The ID supplied 6103 does not refer to a menu item we have
1338(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6104: The ID supplied 6104 does not refer to a menu item we have
1340(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6105: The ID supplied 6105 does not refer to a menu item we have
1342(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6106: The ID supplied 6106 does not refer to a menu item we have
1344(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6107: The ID supplied 6107 does not refer to a menu item we have
1346(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6108: The ID supplied 6108 does not refer to a menu item we have
1348(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6109: The ID supplied 6109 does not refer to a menu item we have
1350(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6110: The ID supplied 6110 does not refer to a menu item we have
1352(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6111: The ID supplied 6111 does not refer to a menu item we have
1354(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6112: The ID supplied 6112 does not refer to a menu item we have
1356(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6113: The ID supplied 6113 does not refer to a menu item we have
1358(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6114: The ID supplied 6114 does not refer to a menu item we have
1360(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6115: The ID supplied 6115 does not refer to a menu item we have
1362(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6116: The ID supplied 6116 does not refer to a menu item we have
1364(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6117: The ID supplied 6117 does not refer to a menu item we have
1366(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6118: The ID supplied 6118 does not refer to a menu item we have
1368(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6119: The ID supplied 6119 does not refer to a menu item we have
1370(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6120: The ID supplied 6120 does not refer to a menu item we have
1372(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6121: The ID supplied 6121 does not refer to a menu item we have
1374(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6122: The ID supplied 6122 does not refer to a menu item we have
1376(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6123: The ID supplied 6123 does not refer to a menu item we have
1378(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6124: The ID supplied 6124 does not refer to a menu item we have
1380(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6125: The ID supplied 6125 does not refer to a menu item we have
1382(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6126: The ID supplied 6126 does not refer to a menu item we have
1384(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6127: The ID supplied 6127 does not refer to a menu item we have
1386(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6128: The ID supplied 6128 does not refer to a menu item we have
1388(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6129: The ID supplied 6129 does not refer to a menu item we have
1390(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6130: The ID supplied 6130 does not refer to a menu item we have
1392(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6131: The ID supplied 6131 does not refer to a menu item we have
1394(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6132: The ID supplied 6132 does not refer to a menu item we have
1396(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6133: The ID supplied 6133 does not refer to a menu item we have
1398(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6134: The ID supplied 6134 does not refer to a menu item we have
1400(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6135: The ID supplied 6135 does not refer to a menu item we have
1402(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6136: The ID supplied 6136 does not refer to a menu item we have
1404(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6137: The ID supplied 6137 does not refer to a menu item we have
1406(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6138: The ID supplied 6138 does not refer to a menu item we have
1408(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6139: The ID supplied 6139 does not refer to a menu item we have
1410(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6140: The ID supplied 6140 does not refer to a menu item we have
1412(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6141: The ID supplied 6141 does not refer to a menu item we have
1414(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6142: The ID supplied 6142 does not refer to a menu item we have
1416(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6143: The ID supplied 6143 does not refer to a menu item we have
1418(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6144: The ID supplied 6144 does not refer to a menu item we have
1420(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6145: The ID supplied 6145 does not refer to a menu item we have
1422(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6146: The ID supplied 6146 does not refer to a menu item we have
1424(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6147: The ID supplied 6147 does not refer to a menu item we have
1426(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6148: The ID supplied 6148 does not refer to a menu item we have
1428(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6149: The ID supplied 6149 does not refer to a menu item we have
1430(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6150: The ID supplied 6150 does not refer to a menu item we have
1432(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6151: The ID supplied 6151 does not refer to a menu item we have
1434(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6152: The ID supplied 6152 does not refer to a menu item we have
1436(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6153: The ID supplied 6153 does not refer to a menu item we have
1438(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6154: The ID supplied 6154 does not refer to a menu item we have
1440(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6155: The ID supplied 6155 does not refer to a menu item we have
1442(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6156: The ID supplied 6156 does not refer to a menu item we have
1444(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6157: The ID supplied 6157 does not refer to a menu item we have
1446(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6158: The ID supplied 6158 does not refer to a menu item we have
1448(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6159: The ID supplied 6159 does not refer to a menu item we have
1450(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6160: The ID supplied 6160 does not refer to a menu item we have
1452(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6161: The ID supplied 6161 does not refer to a menu item we have
1454(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6162: The ID supplied 6162 does not refer to a menu item we have
1456(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6163: The ID supplied 6163 does not refer to a menu item we have
1458(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6164: The ID supplied 6164 does not refer to a menu item we have
1460(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6165: The ID supplied 6165 does not refer to a menu item we have
1462(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6166: The ID supplied 6166 does not refer to a menu item we have
1464(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6167: The ID supplied 6167 does not refer to a menu item we have
1466(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6168: The ID supplied 6168 does not refer to a menu item we have
1468(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6169: The ID supplied 6169 does not refer to a menu item we have
1470(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6170: The ID supplied 6170 does not refer to a menu item we have
1472(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6171: The ID supplied 6171 does not refer to a menu item we have
1474(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6172: The ID supplied 6172 does not refer to a menu item we have
1476(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6173: The ID supplied 6173 does not refer to a menu item we have
1478(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6174: The ID supplied 6174 does not refer to a menu item we have
1480(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6175: The ID supplied 6175 does not refer to a menu item we have
1482(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6176: The ID supplied 6176 does not refer to a menu item we have
1484(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6177: The ID supplied 6177 does not refer to a menu item we have
1486(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6178: The ID supplied 6178 does not refer to a menu item we have
1488(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6179: The ID supplied 6179 does not refer to a menu item we have
1490(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6180: The ID supplied 6180 does not refer to a menu item we have
1492(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6181: The ID supplied 6181 does not refer to a menu item we have
1494(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6182: The ID supplied 6182 does not refer to a menu item we have
1496(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6183: The ID supplied 6183 does not refer to a menu item we have
1498(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6184: The ID supplied 6184 does not refer to a menu item we have
1500(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6185: The ID supplied 6185 does not refer to a menu item we have
1502(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6186: The ID supplied 6186 does not refer to a menu item we have
1504(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6187: The ID supplied 6187 does not refer to a menu item we have
1506(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6188: The ID supplied 6188 does not refer to a menu item we have
1508(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6189: The ID supplied 6189 does not refer to a menu item we have
1510(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6190: The ID supplied 6190 does not refer to a menu item we have
1512(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6191: The ID supplied 6191 does not refer to a menu item we have
1514(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6193: The ID supplied 6193 does not refer to a menu item we have
1516(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6194: The ID supplied 6194 does not refer to a menu item we have
1518(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6195: The ID supplied 6195 does not refer to a menu item we have
1520(winswitch_applet:2240): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Error getting the properties from ID 6196: The ID supplied 6196 does not refer to a menu item we have
1521[II] 2012/21/04 15:46:47 XpraServerUtil.disable_gnome_screensaver(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - closed)) session already closed (failed?)