
These are the Microsoft Windows 7 screenshots.
Click here to see other screenshots.
3 Seamless applications
This screenshot shows a Windows 7 desktop accessing 3 applications on various other machines:
- Calculator running on a Linux machine, displayed via xpra
- System Monitor is coming from the same machine, but forwarded via SSH
- Epiphany is running on another machine and is forwarded via NX, the control window for this session is also shown
Below is a screenshot from a Windows 7 desktop accessing:
- The "Ubuntu Software Center" running on an Ubuntu desktop nearby (top)
- An LXDE virtual desktop (below)
Control Window
This is a screenshot of a Windows 7 desktop showing the session control page for a server running 3 sessions,
2 of which are already connected here:
- The nautilus file browser (on the left)
- The Fedora softare center (top)