Mac OS X
These instructions use GTK+ OSX, which is a native port of GTK to macosx.
They are loosely based on tryton's build instructions.
(previous instructions used macports and py2exe but this never really worked well for packaging,
it is quite useful for development and testing however)
There is also an outdated manual build version of this page, but this is now out of date.
- A Mac OS X system running version 10.5 or later (both x86 and PowerPC are supported)
- gcc-4.2:
gcc-4.2 -v
- Developer SDK:
ls -ld /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk
- git
We are building a 32-bit binary only.
First, download the latest
script and run it to setup the build environment:
curl --insecure -O
(it is unfortunate that uses a certificate that is not trusted by OSX)
As per the script's warning, you must update your
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin/
The rest of the instructions will either be jhbuild commands or run from the jhbuild environment by first starting the jhbuild shell:
jhbuild shell
Modify the configuration file to use a specific (and more recent) version of Python, and some tweaks for cairo:
sed -i -e 's/^setup_sdk/#setup_sdk/g' .jhbuildrc-custom
cat << EOF >> .jhbuildrc-custom
_gtk_osx_use_jhbuild_python = True
branches["python"] = ""
module_autogenargs['cairo'] = '--enable-ft=no'
setup_sdk(target="10.5", sdk_version="10.5", architectures=["i386"])
os.environ["CC"] = "/usr/bin/gcc-4.2"
os.environ["DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = ""
build_policy = "updated-deps"
modules = [ "python",
"meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap", "meta-gtk-osx-core",
"libcroco", "librsvg",
"meta-gtk-osx-python", "meta-gtk-osx-themes",
"gtk-mac-integration-python" ]
You must replace i386
with ppc
if that is your build platform.
To get rid of some annoying pygobject warnings, you may want to use this patch
This will build the native version of (Py)GTK for OSX, skipping libiconv to fix library problems on Lion, this can take a while:
jhbuild bootstrap --skip=libiconv
jhbuild build
If you get an error with MakeMaker
being too old:
sudo cpan -i ExtUtils::MakeMaker
GStreamer 0.10 plugins
For sound support, we then build GStreamer and its modules.
If you want support for X11 and xvideo:
sed -i -e 's/--disable-x --disable-xvideo//g' ~/Source/jhbuild/modulesets/gtk-osx-gstreamer.modules
jhbuild buildone gstreamer
jhbuild buildone gst-plugins-base
jhbuild buildone gst-plugins-good
(add --enable-introspection=no
if gstreamer gets stuck on GEN Gst-0.10.gir
Extra Dependencies
Next we can build the dozens of media and graphics dependencies using the xpra moduleset:
curl -O
jhbuild -m ./xpra.modules build meta-osx-xpra-deps
If you want to be able to use a recent version of subversion, just run:
jhbuild -m ./xpra.modules meta-subversion-xpra
will be used to generate the standalone osx application bundle.Download and install it:
curl -O
xz -d gtk-mac-bundler-0.7.3.tar.xz
tar -xf gtk-mac-bundler-0.7.3.tar
cd gtk-mac-bundler-0.7.3
make install
Then you need to apply this patch on top.
(no need to run make install
again - install doesn't actually install the files anywhere..)
For more information on the process of bundling, why it is necessary and how it affects the shared libraries on OSX, see Dynamic Libraries, RPATH, and Mac OS and Porting to Mac/ige-mac-bundler
Python dependencies
The previous steps should have installed setuptools
which can now be used to install Twisted:
easy_install -U -Z twisted==12.0
(there is a conflict between gtk on OSX and Twisted version 12.1)
Build Protocol Support
- xpra:
curl -O tar -jxf xpra-0.11.6.tar.bz2 cd xpra-0.11.6 python install cd ..
- RDesktop:
curl -O tar -zxf rdesktop-1.8.1.tar.gz cd rdesktop-1.8.1 ./configure --prefix ${JHBUILD_PREFIX} --disable-credssp --disable-smartcard make && make install cd ..
- TigerVNC:
curl -O tar -zxf tigervnc-1.1.0.tar.gz cd tigervnc-1.1.0 ./configure --prefix ${JHBUILD_PREFIX} sed -i -e 's+-lXext -lX11+-lXext -lX11 -lintl -lgettextlib -L/usr/X11/lib/+g' unix/vncviewer/Makefile make && make install cd ..
- NX:
curl -O curl -O curl -O tar -zxf nxcomp-3.5.0-2.tar.gz cd nxcomp ./configure patch -p1 < ../nxcomp.patch sed -i -e 's+-bundle+-dynamiclib+g' Makefile make cp -Rp* ${JHBUILD_PREFIX}/lib/ cd .. tar -zxf nxproxy-3.5.0-1.tar.gz cd nxproxy ./configure --prefix ${JHBUILD_PREFIX} sed -i -e 's/-lXcomp/-lXcomp -lpng -ljpeg -lz/' Makefile make && make install cd ..
Building the standalone application
curl -O
tar -jxf winswitch-0.12.20.src.tar.bz2
cd winswitch-0.12.20
# Add the osx specific bits:
curl -O
tar -jxf winswitch-osx-0.12.20.src.tar.bz2
ln -sf winswitch-osx-0.12.20 osx
./ py2app
cd osx/bundle
The resulting application bundle will be copied to the desktop.
Building a DMG
disk image is currently a manual process. (see bug #76 for more details)
Optional: GDB
If you ever need to debug anything on OSX with gdb, the versions shipped with xcode are well out of date.
You can easily build a more recent gdb in the jhbuild shell:
curl -O
tar -jxf gdb-7.7.tar.bz2
cd gdb-7.7
./configure --prefix=${JHBUILD_PREFIX}
make && make install
#fix "Unable to find Mach task port for process-id" error:
sudo chgrp procmod ${JHBUILD_PREFIX}/bin/gdb
sudo chmod g+s ${JHBUILD_PREFIX}/bin/gdb