Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (109 - 111 of 230)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#173 Antoine Martin pmarek fixed Server settings window too small

With r4481 of winswitch I've got a corrupted settings window - the window is too small for the "users" tab of the server settings, see screenshot.

#178 Antoine Martin HellFire fixed [PATCH] Fix for broken exception handling

Some of the exception handling is broken (references non-existent attributes or not using all arguments in string formatting). Attached patch fixes both I found.

#180 Antoine Martin Antoine Martin fixed suspend and re-connection issues

0.12.8 fixed a number of bugs in this area however there can still be a case where we end up not being able to connect to a server. Either because of a race which makes us start two copies? Or something else?

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