Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 230)


We should figure out what the requirements are and avoid showing the shadow buttons in that case.


NX and VNC call self.set_xmodmap(session, user) before any client attaches to set the keymap to the one that was supplied by the client (guessed using xmodmap on *nix clients)

This seems to work in most cases but not always.

Here are some bugs that may be related:

Also related is #82 : on macosx we can't always get xmodmap (if the server is not running this would cause it to start).

We may be able to get it to work with just setxkbmap? (ie: setxkbmap -rules xfree86 -model pc104 -layout us -option "";), provide UI to select the keymap given the list in grep xkb_symbols /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/gb? default to current? (setxkbmap -print)

From #139: The solution we have doesn't work in all cases:

  • xpra + UK keyboard mapping ends up wrong
  • win32 doesn't map properly either?
  • osx: we have to guess since the build does not use an X server..



Should ensure that we have a full remote desktop protocol available (compatible version too) on the server before showing the option in the menus. (at the moment the form comes up but is useless: we can't select a protocol as none are available)

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.