Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 230)


Our app avoids placing an icon in the task bar (window.SKIP_TASKBAR), so windows should get out of the way and let us live in the tray (aka notification area). But no, nanny-microsoft decides they know best, so we would need some code to go and hack the registry (yuk), something like what is mentioned in this thread.


At the moment, we can't specify an interface without knowing its IP, which makes it difficult to listen on eth0 and not wlan0 for example. The exact same code should apply to the mDNS listener and the server.

Could also add this to the GUI and let the users select which interface to listen on, which interfaces to use for mDNS (and reverse-mDNS and which ports to use)


Printing and sound do not work properly as it is (sound is unreliable and unsafe - printing does not work on win32..) So just disable the options until we sort this out.

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