Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (130 - 132 of 230)


Popups from applications will not honor the screen size. Therefore if you have something popup that extends to the sides or extends down will not be accessible. The same issue happens if you have a dropdown it extends out to the side and out of the screen. I've attached a screenshot to show this.


When I log on to desktop.devloop and open Firefox the keyboard doesn't work properly.

If I click in the address bar and use the Mac's backspace key then forward-slashes (/) are displayed. I can cut the address bar to clear it, but when I type "h" (third letter of the site name the browser appears to crash.

Running ps in a shell session on desktop.devloop appears to indicate that Firefox-bin is still running, but I cannot resume it using Window Switch. I have to kill Firefox-bin in the shell and must start a new session (and the keyboard still doesn't work in that).


If you have an ssh-agent up and running it is very irritating to add the ssh-key "again" if you have done before during the startup using ssh-askpass.

I would use the same ssh-key to access some remote systems as I have on my system (NFS mounted homedirectory). So the key is already loaded and I guess we could make use of the ssh-agent instead of saving the ssh-key in memory.

I am thinking along the lines of:

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