Custom Query (44 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#146 skip all encryption when using local unix domain socket, win32 pipe or fake connection accepted enhancement trivial 1.1 Global
#249 Shortcut in MS-Win should be named "WinSwitch" accepted enhancement trivial Windows Build
#24 Window manager integration on MS Windows: "Windows Shell Extensions" accepted enhancement minor 1.1 Client
#25 Nautilus integration: add entries to "Send to" dialog accepted enhancement minor 0.12 Client
#33 use dbus to get notifications of screensaver state changes accepted enhancement minor 0.12 Client
#34 simple gtk application to configure the applications shown in menus accepted enhancement minor 0.12 Client
#37 Allow users to lock a session to prevent other users from stealing it accepted enhancement minor 1.0 Client
#42 secure VNC connections better accepted task minor 1.1 Global
#45 full virtual desktops show too many applications in their menus accepted defect minor 1.0 Client
#53 export local displays to a remote server via a reverse tunnel accepted enhancement minor 1.0 Global
#93 allows users to change the list of screen resolutions for virtual desktops accepted enhancement minor 1.0 Client
#98 security policies: selinux, smack, etc... also handle chroots better accepted task minor 1.0 Client
#110 Allow to change "ssh" argument from GUI accepted enhancement minor 1.1 Client
#111 better desktop integration: edge of screen movement on *nix accepted enhancement minor 1.0 Client
#132 workaround applications that daemonize and return after launch accepted enhancement minor 0.12 Server
#144 rebuild Xming from source accepted task minor 1.0 Windows Build
#158 pycrypto does not use any padding with RSA... accepted task minor 1.0 Client
#179 avoid threaded code as much as possible accepted defect minor 1.0 Android
#181 winswitch: session activity in menu accepted defect minor 0.12 Client
#194 0.12.12 - extra apple shown in menu bar, reopened defect minor 0.12 OSX Build
#218 --open_server_config bugs accepted defect minor Client
#222 Option to leave sound alone accepted defect minor Xpra
#228 Forum is down accepted defect minor Global
#234 wheezy beta repository contains no winswitch package accepted defect minor Website, Email, etc
#35 CUPS printing support accepted defect major 1.0 Global
#43 disable shutdown options in virtual desktops! (and logout virtual desktop only!) accepted defect major 1.0 Client
#44 Start menu shortcuts need more attention, they go stale accepted defect major 1.0 Client
#76 automate creation of the macos DMG images accepted defect major 1.0 Client
#84 merge out-of-tree tests and run them as part of release scripts accepted defect major 1.0 Client
#91 make file sharing protocol agnostic (support nfs, sshfs, etc..) accepted enhancement major 1.0 Client
#92 fine grained access rights for clients: globals + per session options accepted enhancement major 1.0 Client
#95 window manager integration rework accepted enhancement major 0.12 Client
#97 hook support for external sessions (spice, qemu vnc server, local server, etc) accepted enhancement major 0.12 Client
#100 better livirt support: use native python api and support start/stop instance accepted enhancement major 1.1 Client
#109 supports password less logins accepted defect major 0.12 Client
#135 better start menu integration: provide tools, on-off via magic key, start if needed accepted enhancement major 0.12 Client
#162 crypto incompatibilities between pycrypto and bouncycastle accepted defect major 0.12 Android
#168 More options for SSH connection accepted enhancement major 0.12 Client
#176 better support for VirtualBox sessions accepted enhancement major 0.12 Global
#247 system tray menu has incorrect dimensions on multi-head accepted defect major 0.12 UI
#280 remove gstreamer sound support accepted defect major 0.11 Global
#292 No Applet icon on OSX 10.11.6 accepted defect major Global
#27 re-enable run-as-root server mode accepted defect critical 1.1 Client
#274 uppercase username sensitivity accepted defect critical 0.11 Global
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