Custom Query (46 matches)


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Status: accepted (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#98 security policies: selinux, smack, etc... also handle chroots better Antoine Martin task minor Client
#144 rebuild Xming from source Antoine Martin task minor Windows Build
#158 pycrypto does not use any padding with RSA... Antoine Martin task minor Client
#37 Allow users to lock a session to prevent other users from stealing it Antoine Martin enhancement minor Client
#53 export local displays to a remote server via a reverse tunnel Antoine Martin enhancement minor Global
#91 make file sharing protocol agnostic (support nfs, sshfs, etc..) Antoine Martin enhancement major Client
#92 fine grained access rights for clients: globals + per session options Antoine Martin enhancement major Client
#93 allows users to change the list of screen resolutions for virtual desktops Antoine Martin enhancement minor Client
#111 better desktop integration: edge of screen movement on *nix Antoine Martin enhancement minor Client
#35 CUPS printing support Antoine Martin defect major Global
#43 disable shutdown options in virtual desktops! (and logout virtual desktop only!) Antoine Martin defect major Client
#44 Start menu shortcuts need more attention, they go stale Antoine Martin defect major Client
#45 full virtual desktops show too many applications in their menus Antoine Martin defect minor Client
#76 automate creation of the macos DMG images Antoine Martin defect major Client
#84 merge out-of-tree tests and run them as part of release scripts Antoine Martin defect major Client
#179 avoid threaded code as much as possible Antoine Martin defect minor Android

Status: closed (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#71 bump gtk libraries to latest, build from source? (breaks xpra...) Antoine Martin task minor Client fixed
#87 build against python 2.6 on win32 Antoine Martin task minor Client fixed
#118 upgrade windows build to python 2.7 (blocked by lack of pygst ossbuild) Antoine Martin task minor Windows Build fixed
#142 64-bit build for MS Windows Antoine Martin task minor Global wontfix
#159 sound support for MS Windows Antoine Martin task major Global wontfix
#7 SMB support: must tell client or server what/how to mount stuff Antoine Martin enhancement major Client fixed
#16 add option for mdns auto-connect Antoine Martin enhancement minor Client fixed
#28 run sessions and their clients with daemonizable threads Antoine Martin enhancement major Client fixed
#29 register our mDNS service types: _shifter._tcp. and _shifter_reversed_mdns._tcp. Antoine Martin enhancement trivial Client fixed
#50 Solaris packages Antoine Martin enhancement minor Global fixed
#54 start session dialog to allow us to switch to jpeg compression for xpra Antoine Martin enhancement minor Client duplicate
#56 need a reliable way to detect the screensaver / idle session Antoine Martin enhancement minor Client duplicate
#9 Putty does not exit when remote command terminates Antoine Martin defect critical Client fixed
#13 NX no actor bug... workaround Antoine Martin defect major Server invalid
#40 figure out why DR Watson shows up on exit (MS Windows) Antoine Martin defect major Client fixed
#62 must be able to specify the reverse-mDNS port to use with firewalls Antoine Martin defect major Client duplicate
#67 windows vista uac issues Antoine Martin defect critical Client fixed
#68 msvcr90.dll bundling issues Antoine Martin defect critical Client fixed
#69 always show system tray icon on windows Antoine Martin defect major Client wontfix
#75 code is racy: must add locking around critical sections Antoine Martin defect major Client fixed
#107 SELinux prevents xauth from accessing per session auth files in user's home directory Antoine Martin defect major Server fixed
#116 pygst is broken on PowerPC (used to crash the application) Antoine Martin defect major OSX Build fixed
#117 OSX: remove dock icon for xpra or make it usable Antoine Martin defect minor OSX Build fixed
#152 Can't add to Lubuntu server menu Antoine Martin defect major Server fixed
#167 pynotify corrupted double-linked list? Antoine Martin defect major Global fixed

Status: new (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#123 osx auto-start Antoine Martin task minor Client
#138 file transfers should be encrypted (always? or just over non-ssh channels) Antoine Martin task major Client
#157 clipboard channel support for VNC shadow Antoine Martin enhancement major Client
#66 use pyGTK Win32 Extension to cleanup/remove StatusIcon/win32 code Antoine Martin defect major Client
#94 load xdg menu spec instead of just parsing .desktop files Antoine Martin defect major Client
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.