Custom Query (230 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#174 fixed winswitch menu inconsistencies Antoine Martin pmarek

I'm using a manual "ssh -L 8022:host1:22" to get winswitch to tunnel to another host2. Now, when that times out, winswitch doesn't seem to correctly "get" it - in the menu is the application listed as "Re-connect", although the server menu shows "Connect" (so the application entry shouldn't even be there - right?)

I think that the menu shouldn't show the application if the server is not connected.

Furthermore, «are you saying that you should not be able to connect to an app if you have lost connection to the winsiwtch server it is on? if so, yes, that should not be possible» too ;)

#182 fixed HTTPS setup bad Antoine Martin pmarek

When I connect to I see a different ticket

The HTTPS setup seems to be missing a bit of configuration.

Furthermore, the TICKET_CREATE permissions seem to be missing although I'm seeing logged in as pmarek - so perhaps there's a bug with cookies, too.

#184 fixed read ~/.winswitch/client/xpra_options_defaults.conf before starting xpra Antoine Martin pmarek

It would be nice if the config file was read every time before xpra gets started; having a global default, and per-server overrides would be nice, too.

Thank you very much!

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