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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#160 wontfix ssh key failures: "Input strings must be a multiple of 8 in length" Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

This happens on some distributions that ship old versions of Python-Twisted (older than 10.x?) - the user will not be able to use their SSH key with Window Switch because of this.

This causes stacktraces like this one:

[II] 2011/08/09 17:41:05 ConchUserAuth.ok(################,False)
[EE] 2011/08/09 17:41:05 ConchUserAuth.ok((...),False) cannot load private key
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05 Traceback (most recent call last):
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/winswitch/net/", line 228, in ok
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05     key = privateKeyFromFile(self.factory.private_key, new_passphrase)
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/winswitch/net/", line 207, in privateKeyFromFile
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05     return     keys.Key.fromFile(filename, passphrase=passphrase).keyObject
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/conch/ssh/", line 62, in fromFile
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05     return Class.fromString(file(filename, 'rb').read(), type, passphrase)
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/conch/ssh/", line 90, in fromString
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05     return method(data, passphrase)
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/conch/ssh/", line 216, in _fromString_PRIVATE_OPENSSH
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05     keyData =, DES3.MODE_CBC, iv).decrypt(b64Data)
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05 ValueError: Input strings must be a multiple of 8 in length

It will occur more often now that distros are using the AES-128 cypher when generating SSH keys.

This bug is here just as a reminder that there is absolutely nothing we can do about this: it is the distribution's responsibility to fix their buggy libraries. Once again, Ubuntu is shipping buggy versions in its "stable" release... sigh

More info at and their ticket

#161 wontfix Menus don't expand to anything Antoine Martin Patrick Bulteel

I discussed this bug on the forum ( and I've finally managed to get a screenshot of first bug I mentioned.

Sometimes the menu's don't expand to anything. Example: I see the local server, I click on Start Applications and the menu is empty (I just see a sliver showing something should be there, it's just not populated with anything.) However, this happens with ALL the menu options for all attached winswitch servers/connections. When this happens I can't quit the applet. However, from another system I can start applications from my that system.

See attached screenshot.

#188 wontfix Supporting the vino vnc server? Antoine Martin robert.waters

I would like to run winswitch on two current ubuntu (oneiric) boxes, both running the vinagre/vino-server VNC client/server combo. The 'Desktop Default' section in server configuration ui reads 'None available' (ui/ populate_session_types()), and 'Start Desktop Session' is disabled.

I tried trivially adding the vinagre/vino paths to VNC_COMMAND/XVNC_COMMAND in util/; that did not work.

The problem persisted even after installing the tightvnc viewer.

Any hints would be appreciated.


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