Custom Query (230 matches)


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3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#89 fixed xvnc status updates by watching server output (like nx does) Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

We should probably watch the output of the Xvnc process like we do for NX. Looks like we can detect if the session is connected or not: vncext: Listening for VNC connections on port 16064 Means no need to test using a wait_for_socket. Connections: accepted: Means we can remove the need for the client to set the CONNECTED status. Connections: closed: (Clean disconnection) As above for AVAILABLE.

Log Xvnc output to file ~/.Xvnc/:DISPLAY.log

Note: the code has only been tested with tigervnc...

#103 fixed No active session found Antoine Martin Bruno Bigras

shifter 0.9.11 from the Ubuntu repo Kubuntu 9.10 karmic (amd64)

I don't see the session on the client side.

Maybe it's related to this error (see attached log) :

2010/18/04 18:04:40 ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'S \xb7'
#106 invalid compiz + NX window dimming Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

The NX windows end up dimming when using compiz on the client.

This bug entry is to track the problem so people know what to do wit it, it cannot be fixed here.

See: this patch

Ensure that your vendor supplies a patched version of nxagent.

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