Custom Query (230 matches)
Results (43 - 45 of 230)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#246 | invalid | International keyboard support failing | ||
Description |
I have an Italian keyboard. Some keys (notably ',?', '{', '}', '#' and '@') are only available via 'AltGr?' escape. All these keys do not appear to work. Setup:
#113 | worksforme | SSH authentication failed | ||
Description |
In the first time I have made the connection to my remote computer via "New Connection" menu item. It was successful. My remote computer have been automatically added in "Servers" tab list in Configuration. But I can't connect to it via menu items. The system shows me "SSH authentication failed" message. I can only make connection via "New Connection" P.S. Both systems - Ubuntu 10.04 P.S.S. Sorry for my English. |
#114 | fixed | Remote app starts twice | ||
Description |
When I starting any remote application the program starts it twice. So I get two instances of one application. When I close one of the instances the second instance closes too. P.S. Both systems - Ubuntu 10.04 P.S.S. Sorry for my English. |