Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#77 fixed native OSX improvements Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Using igemacintegration it should be possible to:

  • integrate into the mac menu
  • integrate into the dock
  • prevent having 2 icons (one for python and one for our app)

There must also be away to do the auto-start on the Mac.


#79 fixed windows 7 moans on pywin32 - makes systray not positioned correctly Antoine Martin Antoine Martin
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 873, in get_win32_tray_position
File "", line 880, in do_get_win32_tray_position
File "shifter\ui\window_util.pyc", line 153, in get_shell_tray_window
File "shifter\ui\window_util.pyc", line 129, in get_impl
Exception: All window manager utility classes failed to load!

ImportError: DLL load failed: The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.
#80 fixed mac DMG can't find pygtk (but it's there...) Antoine Martin Antoine Martin
25/01/2010 20:28:41 [0x0-0x15015].shifter[213] 2010/25/01 20:28:41 globals os.uname=('Darwin', 'macadmins-vmware-virtual-platform.local', '9.8.0', 'Darwin Kernel Version 9.8.0: Tue Aug 11 12:57:32 AST 2009; Based on Voodoo :xnu-1228.15.4/BUILD/obj/RELEASE_I386', 'i386') 
25/01/2010 20:28:41 [0x0-0x15015].shifter[213] 2010/25/01 20:28:41 globals version=0.9.0, built on macadmins-vmware-virtual-platform.local by MacAdmin, 2010-01-24 
25/01/2010 20:28:41 [0x0-0x15015].shifter[213] 2010/25/01 20:28:41 globals uid=501, username=MacAdmin, name=MacAdmin, hostname=macadmins-vmware-virtual-platform.local, locale=C 
25/01/2010 20:28:41 [0x0-0x15015].shifter[213] Traceback (most recent call last): 
25/01/2010 20:28:41 [0x0-0x15015].shifter[213]   File "///Volumes/Window-Shifter/", line 8, in <module> 
25/01/2010 20:28:41 [0x0-0x15015].shifter[213]     execfile(os.path.join(pygtklibdir, "shifter/")) 
25/01/2010 20:28:41 [0x0-0x15015].shifter[213]   File "///Volumes/Window-Shifter/", line 59, in <module> 
25/01/2010 20:28:41 [0x0-0x15015].shifter[213]     main() 
25/01/2010 20:28:41 [0x0-0x15015].shifter[213]   File "///Volumes/Window-Shifter/", line 54, in main 
25/01/2010 20:28:41 [0x0-0x15015].shifter[213]     from shifter.client.applet import main 
25/01/2010 20:28:41 [0x0-0x15015].shifter[213]   File "///Users/MacAdmin/Desktop/", line 14, in <module> 
25/01/2010 20:28:41 [0x0-0x15015].shifter[213] ImportError: No module named pygtk 
25/01/2010 20:28:41[87] ([0x0-0x15015].shifter[213]) Exited with exit code: 1 

Why is it trying to open a path that points to the Desktop where we built the DMG, this path no longer exists ( is in the same location as the other .py files), but it succeeds?? (and fails on importing pygtk...)

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