Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#69 wontfix always show system tray icon on windows Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Our app avoids placing an icon in the task bar (window.SKIP_TASKBAR), so windows should get out of the way and let us live in the tray (aka notification area). But no, nanny-microsoft decides they know best, so we would need some code to go and hack the registry (yuk), something like what is mentioned in this thread.

#70 fixed replace pyinotify dependency with gio.File.monitor_directory Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

We don't actually care if it's not recursive, so a dependency on gio.File is a lot better than a dependency on Linux specific library/code. A lot more portable!

see gio.File.monitor and this example

#71 fixed bump gtk libraries to latest, build from source? (breaks xpra...) Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

There are some well documented build instructions here and here for cross-compiling

So upgrading shouldn't be as hard as it was last time (see #10), and may fix some more issues.

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