Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#159 wontfix sound support for MS Windows Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Split from #88 : what is needed is just the TCP network code ported to MS Windows as per ossbuild ticket 166

#160 wontfix ssh key failures: "Input strings must be a multiple of 8 in length" Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

This happens on some distributions that ship old versions of Python-Twisted (older than 10.x?) - the user will not be able to use their SSH key with Window Switch because of this.

This causes stacktraces like this one:

[II] 2011/08/09 17:41:05 ConchUserAuth.ok(################,False)
[EE] 2011/08/09 17:41:05 ConchUserAuth.ok((...),False) cannot load private key
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05 Traceback (most recent call last):
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/winswitch/net/", line 228, in ok
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05     key = privateKeyFromFile(self.factory.private_key, new_passphrase)
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/winswitch/net/", line 207, in privateKeyFromFile
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05     return     keys.Key.fromFile(filename, passphrase=passphrase).keyObject
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/conch/ssh/", line 62, in fromFile
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05     return Class.fromString(file(filename, 'rb').read(), type, passphrase)
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/conch/ssh/", line 90, in fromString
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05     return method(data, passphrase)
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/conch/ssh/", line 216, in _fromString_PRIVATE_OPENSSH
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05     keyData =, DES3.MODE_CBC, iv).decrypt(b64Data)
[ee] 2011/08/09 17:41:05 ValueError: Input strings must be a multiple of 8 in length

It will occur more often now that distros are using the AES-128 cypher when generating SSH keys.

This bug is here just as a reminder that there is absolutely nothing we can do about this: it is the distribution's responsibility to fix their buggy libraries. Once again, Ubuntu is shipping buggy versions in its "stable" release... sigh

More info at and their ticket

#164 duplicate Dropdown/popups don't honor the screensize Antoine Martin Patrick Bulteel

Popups from applications will not honor the screen size. Therefore if you have something popup that extends to the sides or extends down will not be accessible. The same issue happens if you have a dropdown it extends out to the side and out of the screen. I've attached a screenshot to show this.

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