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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#268 fixed .desktop files not parsed correctly Antoine gmail Nathan Rennie-Waldock

.desktop files aren't being parsed correctly. Thunderbird is showing incorrectly as "Contacts". It appears only the last section is being processed, not the Desktop Entry section.

#90 wontfix 100% cpu usage on some systems - twisted POLLIN Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

The pygtk bug is here I had originally created a twisted bug here - but the problem is not in twisted.

And here is the Fedora bug: 660137

Gentoo bug: 353599

Ubuntu bug: 664920

Debian already has a patch for squeeze (against 2.17.0-4): pygtk-wakeupfd-fix.patch

FreeBSD: bug 154755

So, I believe we should just leave it to the distributors to ship patched versions of the libraries we rely on rather than trying to workaround the issue (not even sure it is possible to do so)

However: if you want to use the fixed PyGTK RPMs/DEBs we have made using the above patch, please download them manually from:

(as this is a system package - we will not push it to you automatically: this is your distribution's job)

#142 wontfix 64-bit build for MS Windows Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

There are a number of obstacles which prevent us from following the instructions on dev/win32.

For some dependencies, it is just a question of doing more manual work than running the 64-bit version of the installer, as is the case for setuptools and python wmi.

Then there's the problem that by default, you can't compile 64-bit programs with distutils and VC 2008... (see and use this patch: - why isn't this merged and released??)

Unfortunately, other dependencies are even harder to deal with:

  • pygtk (or even just plain GTK for that matter) do not provide 64-bit installers at present, and building from source is too tedious: see this discussion for details.
  • gstreamer does not provide a 64-bit version, all the bindings are for 32-bit python only at present...
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