Custom Query (230 matches)
Results (64 - 66 of 230)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#83 | fixed | threading / start processes using twisted: use ProcessProtocol | ||
Description |
When starting a process and watching its output, we shouldn't do this in a separate thread but instead integrate the code with twisted main-loop (gtk/glib's actually) using ProcessProtocol?, see here Also, when waiting for a process by pid (one we may not have launched ourselves), we should use gobject.child_watch_add(pid) which will also integrate with the main loop. Places of interest:
#85 | fixed | wait_for_socket should use twisted and deferreds | ||
Description |
Should be a pretty straight forward swap. No reason to use yet another network library (raw sockets in this case) |
#86 | fixed | use ProcessControl with server_util_base for watching nx output | ||
Description |
As was done with #83 for ssh related processes, we can use twisted to avoid starting a new thread on the server for each NX session we watch the output of. Xpra is different as we poll a logfile, this integrates with the mainloop fine via gio.File VNC we just don't care. |