Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#186 fixed config apply_changes triggers error in rdp_client_base Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

as reported by @pmarek on irc:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "winswitch/ui/", line 621, in apply_changes
 File "winswitch/ui/", line 1014, in do_apply_changes
 File "winswitch/client/", line 757, in settings_modified
 File "winswitch/client/", line 356, in init_client_utils
  self.client_utils[session_type] = constructor()
 File "winswitch/client/", line 338, in rdp_common
 return     RDPClientUtil(self.update_session_status, self.notify)
 File "winswitch/virt/", line 18, in __init__
  RDPClientBase.__init__(self, update_session_status, notify_callback)
 File "winswitch/virt/", line 38, in __init__
  ClientUtilBase.__init__(self, WINDOWS_TYPE, update_session_status, notify_callback)
 File "winswitch/virt/", line 48, in __init__
  self.options_defaults = self.load_options_defaults()
 File "winswitch/virt/", line 58, in load_options_defaults
  props = self.get_options_defaults()
 File "winswitch/virt/", line 373, in get_option
  props = self.get_options_defaults()
 File "winswitch/virt/", line 373, in get_options_defaults
  d[KEYMAP] = self.get_default_keymap()
 File "winswitch/virt/", line 85, in get_default_keymap
  if k in self.keymaps.keys():
AttributeError: RDPClientUtil instance has no attribute 'keymaps'

I cannot explain why keymaps is not defined... The RDPClientBase constructor looks like this:

		ClientUtilBase.__init__(self, WINDOWS_TYPE, update_session_status, notify_callback)
		self.ignore_process_returncodes.append(2)		#closing the window causes this returncode!
			self.keymaps = self.find_all_keymaps()
			self.default_keymap = self.get_default_keymap()

(ENABLE_KEYMAP_OPTION is hardcoded to True) And this constructor is called by the RDPClientUtil constructor..

#187 fixed replace distro packaging util code with calls to packagekit on Linux Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

This class: is horrible and buggy (no '-A' option with gksudo on some distros) so replace it with packagekit.

There are dbus bindings: example and decent usage docs

#192 fixed Couldn't reach you any other way Antoine Martin joachim

Dear developer(s),

Have just taken a look at your wonderful program/tool called WinSwitch?. It has made me so enthousiastic that I'd like to make it part of our open source operating system called HOLOS.

Since you have done a lot of work on this, I was wondering if you accept donations. My company Metasync is small and not very rich, but we like to give what we can to support creative developers like yourself.

Best regards, Joachim de Koning -

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