Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#259 fixed Repository download page for Ubuntu/Debian points Trust users to Saucy package Sohrab Niramwalla

On when you select "Ubuntu Trusty Tahir" from the dropdown, you are sent to instead of

#107 fixed SELinux prevents xauth from accessing per session auth files in user's home directory Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

If selinux is enforcing, xauth just fails... So we have a workaround in place where we pass the global XAUTHORITY to the server and it uses that if /selinux/enforcing==1

Not ideal. I can't see any easy way of being able to create new xauth files with selinux enabled. PITA

See also: NX bug

#7 fixed SMB support: must tell client or server what/how to mount stuff Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Windows clients can't mount a remote tunneled server since we can't tell them what port to use (sigh). So maybe we should always do a reverse mount? (server mounts shares from the client)
We need to find out the list of shares (pysamba?) and allow the user to configure what is mounted (read-only, password,...)

The actual mounting is the easy part:

mount.cifs // ./guest -o port=21062 -o guest

But we have to make sure we always unmount stuff when the server goes down... Problem is that some files might still be open!

We should also deal with non-tunneled setups nicely: simply connect to SMB on client or server directly. This weighs in favour of supporting client-mounts-server option.

We can figure out what shares are available with (needs a bit of magic parsing... sigh):

smbclient -U guest -N -L localhost


smbclient -A /path/to/auth-file -L localhost

pysamba does not seem to help here, unless I am missing something.

See bug #91 for the next step.

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