Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4 fixed generalize "browse_command" into a first class object Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Currently this command is used by creating a fake ServerCommand object when we need to use it.
We should just create a new directory ".shifter/server/main-menu/" and populate it with just one ".desktop" file we create from the list of existing file managers. Users may choose to add more commands, modify, etc.

#5 fixed pygtk on Windows is not showing any icons on the ImageButtons Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

No idea why that is.

It may be worth trying a new version of pygtk/gtk/..

#6 fixed avoid network sound on slow links Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

When connecting to distant servers over a slow connection, just don't bother trying to tunnel the sound with PA, it will not work.

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