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Results (73 - 75 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#133 fixed open file remotely without using ssh channel Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

The sftp code was removed with paramiko, what we can do to restore the functionality is to define a new message type for file transfers and send the file through the normal client-server channel.

  • new accept_files option for servers (defaults to off?)
  • keep file pointer + index in server connection
  • send first chunk of data, below the max_line limit and also taking into account the link speed
  • server creates a temporary file in configurable download location (default to ~/Download)
  • server sends an ack after each packet is received (potential small delay here to ensure we prioritize other packets ahead of file transfers)
  • client fire progress_update callbacks registered with the file transfer
  • client sends the next chunk (potential delay here - same reason as above), taking into account how long the first previous took (so we can keep UI updates regular - say 1 second target)
  • if the server (or client) does not ack (or send the next chunk) within a certain amount of time (tbd - dynamic?), we cancel the whole thing and tell the other end. The server can delete the temporary file.
  • When the transfer is complete, we ask the server to open it.
  • Ensure file data is encrypted over the wire
#227 duplicate no encoding declared in winswitch/util/ Antoine Martin 235

in a recent package for ubuntu 12.10

[ee] 2012/10/12 11:21:14.363124 Traceback (most recent call last):
[ee] 2012/10/12 11:21:14.363149   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/winswitch/server/", line 316, in ready
[ee] 2012/10/12 11:21:14.363166     self.assign_virt_utils()
[ee] 2012/10/12 11:21:14.363181   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/winswitch/server/", line 405, in assign_virt_utils
[ee] 2012/10/12 11:21:14.363209     from winswitch.virt.vnc_server_util import VNCServerUtil
[ee] 2012/10/12 11:21:14.363225   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/winswitch/virt/", line 16, in <module>
[ee] 2012/10/12 11:21:14.363240     from winswitch.virt.server_util_base import ServerUtilBase
[ee] 2012/10/12 11:21:14.363255   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/winswitch/virt/", line 40, in <module>
[ee] 2012/10/12 11:21:14.363270     from winswitch.util.xkbmap_util import set_keymap
[ee] 2012/10/12 11:21:14.363286   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/winswitch/util/", line 173
[ee] 2012/10/12 11:21:14.363312 SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xc3' in file /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/winswitch/util/ on line 173, but no encoding declared; see for details
#11 fixed need to tell vncviewer what window title to use Antoine Martin Antoine Martin


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