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Results (76 - 78 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#225 duplicate winswitch_server doesn't work on Ubuntu 12.10 Antoine Martin Thomas Käfer

Hi there again!

I am running Ubuntu 12.10 and it seems it doesn't work as a server, client works well.

Here is the error that the winswitch_server prints:

[code][EE] 2012/14/11 20:23:16.011215 WinSwitchServer.ready()
[ee] 2012/14/11 20:23:16.011909 Traceback (most recent call last):
[ee] 2012/14/11 20:23:16.011967   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/winswitch/server/", line 316, in ready
[ee] 2012/14/11 20:23:16.012006     self.assign_virt_utils()
[ee] 2012/14/11 20:23:16.012033   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/winswitch/server/", line 405, in assign_virt_utils
[ee] 2012/14/11 20:23:16.012056     from winswitch.virt.vnc_server_util import VNCServerUtil
[ee] 2012/14/11 20:23:16.012078   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/winswitch/virt/", line 16, in <module>
[ee] 2012/14/11 20:23:16.012099     from winswitch.virt.server_util_base import ServerUtilBase
[ee] 2012/14/11 20:23:16.012120   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/winswitch/virt/", line 40, in <module>
[ee] 2012/14/11 20:23:16.012141     from winswitch.util.xkbmap_util import set_keymap
[ee] 2012/14/11 20:23:16.012161   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/winswitch/util/", line 173
[ee] 2012/14/11 20:23:16.012183 SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xc3' in file /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/winswitch/util/ on line 173, but no encoding declared; see for details

Please tell me what I can do to track down the problem

#192 fixed Couldn't reach you any other way Antoine Martin joachim

Dear developer(s),

Have just taken a look at your wonderful program/tool called WinSwitch?. It has made me so enthousiastic that I'd like to make it part of our open source operating system called HOLOS.

Since you have done a lot of work on this, I was wondering if you accept donations. My company Metasync is small and not very rich, but we like to give what we can to support creative developers like yourself.

Best regards, Joachim de Koning -

#302 wontfix winswitch 0.12.23: install --prefix not respected for all items (need PREFIX= environmental variable as well) J G Miller

For software installed from source, it is essential to be able to specify the installation directory tree (eg /usr/local) in order to avoid conflicts with OS installed software from packages.

And for those of us that manage installed local software with GNU stow,

(see if not familiar with the approach)

it is even more important that files get installed under the specified directory tree.

Now winswitch does this for most of the install if --prefix is used

/usr/bin/python "/usr/src/build/winswitch-0.12.23/" install --prefix="/usr/local/stow/Network/winswitch-0.12.23/usr/local"

creating /usr/local/stow/Network/winswitch-0.12.23/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/winswitch
creating /usr/local/stow/Network/winswitch-0.12.23/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/winswitch/ui
copying build/lib.linux-i686-2.7/winswitch/ui/ -> /usr/local/stow/Network/winswitch-0.12.23/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/winswitch/ui
byte-compiling /usr/local/stow/Network/winswitch-0.12.23/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/winswitch/ui/ to window_fake_tray.pyc

but for a number of items the install process ignores the prefix and installs directly under system directories /etc and /usr/lib

creating /etc/winswitch


creating /usr/lib/winswitch

For installs under "/usr/local" these should instead be accessible under /usr/local/etc/winswitch and /usr/local/lib/winswitch respectively when installation is complete.

Now after checking the file, it seems a non-standard (?) method of specifying the destination for installs works, by specifying the environmental variable PREFIX="prefix_dir" get the etc/winswich and lib/winswitch installed under the prefix dir BUT --prefix prefix_dir is still needed to get all the other items to the prefix directory.

Please ensure that the --prefix prefix_dir variable is applied to all items being installed without the need for adding the environmental variable, or at the very minimum, mention this double requirement in the README file.

Thank you for your assistance in resolving this issue.

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