Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#61 wontfix reverse mDNS leaks data... Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

It reports the full list of interfaces it listens on - this can be useful, but we should add an option to report only the host:port that is relevant for the mDNS interface we publish on.

#62 duplicate must be able to specify the reverse-mDNS port to use with firewalls Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

at present, a random port is chosen, which will not work with hosts running almost any kind of firewall...

Should re-use the spec parsing code used by the server, which supports syntax like:



#63 fixed native OSX build Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Parallel to bug #21 (OSX Packaging) It is worth pursuing a native OSX build using gtk-osx

This would integrate better with osx.

Important pieces are:

Step by step: start-from-scratch Problem is that there seems to be an incompatibility with the version from macports... (detects existing pkg_config?)

Hopefully this will result in a package that works better than py2app's...

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