Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#64 fixed option to start xpra sessions with jpeg compression Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Must add:

  • UI for when xpra is selected (simple checkbox)
  • pass option to server.

Should also generalize options so that dimensions used for vnc/nx, and now jpeg for xpra, etc.. are passed generically, without needing to bump the protocol version for changes.

Could also be a bit more clever and auto-select jpeg for certain types of applications: media players, browser?, etc.

#65 wontfix the newer GTK builds for win32 do not support ICO format - workaround it Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Added a test for it so we dont flood the logs (r1523)

GError: This build of gdk-pixbuf does not support saving the image format: ico

But we should either save it in png format (and hope the user's version of windows supports that or at least fails gracefully) or find a library that will convert it to ico (not found so far - only reading is supported, see PIL, etc)

Maybe pywin32 can give us access to something in windows API that will do the job, this is not too far off (it's only reading though).

Found Icon.Save in .NET

this example writes it out straight to file. Newer versions of windows support icons as PNGs, we should at least do that when saving .ICO fails.

#67 fixed windows vista uac issues Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

At then end of the installation on win6.1: Create process failed; code 740 This is probably InnoSetup trying to launch the application it has just installed. The "details" on this error are totally unhelpful. According to the InnoSetup documentation, runasoriginaluser is the default when using postinstall. Why you can install software but not run it is beyond me...

When starting the software, it asks every time Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer. Maybe this is the logfile we are trying to open? (it obviously does not tell you anything remotely helpful to diagnose) We do not want administrator privileges! Just the ability to write to our own configuration/data files! The information I found uses app manifests to gain full administrator privileges... (typical microsoft sledge hammer defeating security) Or maybe it doesn't run asInvoker unless you tell it to? Not according to this

The download link for mDNS "Download from" should popup a browser, but instead you get: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc00000a5). Click OK to close the application. This one may be resolved with the manifest above...

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