Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#16 fixed add option for mdns auto-connect Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

At present, we always connect to any server found via mdns.
New option: mdns_auto_connect = yes|no|ask
ask -> popup: [yes|no|always-yes|always-no]

#17 fixed add full-desktop commands to Windows start menu Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

these can be handled in almost exactly the same way as regular commands, we just need to look them up in either server_commands or desktop_commands.

#18 fixed use twisted-conch to replace paramiko Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

No point in carrying 2 network libraries.
Rewrite SCP code using conch.

Also bundling paramiko does not always seem to work on win32/osx... so this more of priority

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