Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#68 fixed msvcr90.dll bundling issues Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

According to py2exe tutorial it should just be a case of adding the Microsoft.VC90.CRT directory to the installer, but this does not work for me. Other posts suggest copying the raw DLLs into the root dist folder (also did not work).

more info here

#69 wontfix always show system tray icon on windows Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Our app avoids placing an icon in the task bar (window.SKIP_TASKBAR), so windows should get out of the way and let us live in the tray (aka notification area). But no, nanny-microsoft decides they know best, so we would need some code to go and hack the registry (yuk), something like what is mentioned in this thread.

#70 fixed replace pyinotify dependency with gio.File.monitor_directory Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

We don't actually care if it's not recursive, so a dependency on gio.File is a lot better than a dependency on Linux specific library/code. A lot more portable!

see gio.File.monitor and this example

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