Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#30 fixed Deal with xpra server blocking on dead sockets Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Detect when an xpra server has crashed hard and is blocking on a socket. At the moment we call


which may block forever...

  • Add a timeout in there so that we detect the failure.
  • We may want to kill those servers or/and remove the broken socket.
#31 fixed dont DoS the line with icon requests Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

When connected to a server via a slow line (<1Mbit?) we should just use the local icons and be happy with that rather than requesting lots of blobs from the server.
A standard install may have ~80 commands, each with a 5K icon so this could take up 400KB of bandwidth.
On MS Windows, there are no local icons, so we may want to throttle it instead.

#32 fixed port_mapper will eventually run out of ports Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

We currently do not free_ports(), but we should...
We should not re-use these ports immediately (just in case nx/xpra/vnc whatever does not set SOCK_REUSE) but we need to keep track of them and allow those to be re-used.

If there are too many ports reserved (threshold?) we can just clear the list and start again (we re-detect ports that really are assigned).

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