Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#68 fixed msvcr90.dll bundling issues Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

According to py2exe tutorial it should just be a case of adding the Microsoft.VC90.CRT directory to the installer, but this does not work for me. Other posts suggest copying the raw DLLs into the root dist folder (also did not work).

more info here

#70 fixed replace pyinotify dependency with gio.File.monitor_directory Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

We don't actually care if it's not recursive, so a dependency on gio.File is a lot better than a dependency on Linux specific library/code. A lot more portable!

see gio.File.monitor and this example

#71 fixed bump gtk libraries to latest, build from source? (breaks xpra...) Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

There are some well documented build instructions here and here for cross-compiling

So upgrading shouldn't be as hard as it was last time (see #10), and may fix some more issues.

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