Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#173 fixed Server settings window too small Antoine Martin pmarek

With r4481 of winswitch I've got a corrupted settings window - the window is too small for the "users" tab of the server settings, see screenshot.

#174 fixed winswitch menu inconsistencies Antoine Martin pmarek

I'm using a manual "ssh -L 8022:host1:22" to get winswitch to tunnel to another host2. Now, when that times out, winswitch doesn't seem to correctly "get" it - in the menu is the application listed as "Re-connect", although the server menu shows "Connect" (so the application entry shouldn't even be there - right?)

I think that the menu shouldn't show the application if the server is not connected.

Furthermore, «are you saying that you should not be able to connect to an app if you have lost connection to the winsiwtch server it is on? if so, yes, that should not be possible» too ;)

#175 fixed ability to run multiple copies of winswitch under the same user id Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

this has been requested more than once now and would allow setups with multiple non-xinerama-ed heads to function.

this requires:

  • the ability to define an alternate root directory (currently defaults to ~/.winswitch)
  • the ability to override the location of the server socket so that the second instance launched can find the first
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