Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#16 fixed add option for mdns auto-connect Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

At present, we always connect to any server found via mdns.
New option: mdns_auto_connect = yes|no|ask
ask -> popup: [yes|no|always-yes|always-no]

#26 fixed add ssh keys to host option Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

If the account has an SSH key defined, we can just add it to the list of authorized keys on the server rather than storing the password.
shifter_add_key SHIFTER_KEY, SSH_KEY
This is the public key, so we need the UI widgets to point to the public key as well as private key. Windows keys generated by puttygen.exe must be converted on the server via "ssh-keygen -i"

#12 fixed allow the server to export local displays using NX shadow mode Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

We can shadow local displays like we do with NX/VNC displays.
The difficulty is in figuring out if that's really a wise thing to do... At least make it global option, preferably let the local user of that display decide (assuming he is running the client...)
We may also want to allow this local display to be exported to via a remote server, which complicates things quite a bit... (reverse SSH tunnel to that server - then another tunnel to the client...)

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