Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (106 - 108 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#142 wontfix 64-bit build for MS Windows Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

There are a number of obstacles which prevent us from following the instructions on dev/win32.

For some dependencies, it is just a question of doing more manual work than running the 64-bit version of the installer, as is the case for setuptools and python wmi.

Then there's the problem that by default, you can't compile 64-bit programs with distutils and VC 2008... (see and use this patch: - why isn't this merged and released??)

Unfortunately, other dependencies are even harder to deal with:

  • pygtk (or even just plain GTK for that matter) do not provide 64-bit installers at present, and building from source is too tedious: see this discussion for details.
  • gstreamer does not provide a 64-bit version, all the bindings are for 32-bit python only at present...
#143 fixed Ubuntu packages are broken because of non-existing /usr/libexec or /usr/local/libexec dirs Antoine Martin blackhole123

/usr/libexec and /usr/local/libexec do not (and should not, I suppose) exist under a standard Ubuntu install, and yet the packages contain references to them.

In particular, replacing them by /usr/lib/ and /usr/local/lib in

/usr/lib/python2.6/winswitch/utils/ at lines 126 and 128 (+/- 1) is needed for the server to start.

#145 fixed gtk.AboutDialog() web url fails on win32 and osx Antoine Martin Antoine gmail

AFAIK, the code is correct:

d = gtk.AboutDialog()

But on those platforms, it comes up with an error...

Maybe now is the time to replace the whole thing with a custom dialog? Or at the very least, remove the URL for those platforms that cannot handle it!

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