Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (109 - 111 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#118 fixed upgrade windows build to python 2.7 (blocked by lack of pygst ossbuild) Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

All platforms now build against python 2.7 whenever possible. The windows version does not because one component is missing: pygst bindings.

See these upstream bugs:

#127 fixed xpra ebuild should honour the server flag and avoid building all the x stuff if disabled Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

The flag is there, it's just not used at the moment.

I can't figure out the standard way to pass arguments to a script. Ideally, we could do:

./ --no-server

And avoid building all the X stuff (which pulls zillions of dependencies)

#130 fixed move website to a separate repository Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

It's handy for doing distributed builds and easily updating the website, but it pollutes the repo with binaries (making it huge to checkout) and makes it harder to read the history.

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