Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (115 - 117 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#137 fixed winswitch_command_wrapper does not launch application if winswitch is not running Antoine Martin Antoine Martin
  • setup a launcher like this:
    Exec=winswitch_command_wrapper gcalctool
  • click the launcher
  • the program does not load

The wrapper is meant to detect that winswitch is not running (with a short socket timeout) then launch the app normally. Apparently it does not :(

#139 duplicate keyboard mappings xmodmap vs setxkbmap vs whatever... Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

The solution we have doesn't work in all cases:

  • xpra + UK keyboard mapping ends up wrong
  • win32 doesn't map properly either?
  • osx: we have to guess since the build does not use an X server..

etc. Figure out the best way to make it all work.

#140 duplicate replace Xvfb with Xvnc or Xdummy when using xpra Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Xvfb is old and it is missing a number of useful X11 extensions, also the alternatives may offer better keyboard support? The idea of using those as an alternative to Xvfb is not new either, see x11vnc faq-xvfb

Information about dummy driver is scarce, but there is some in XorgTesting

The easiest way (which seems to work ok) is to use Xdummy (GPLv2+)

One of the most important benefits is that these alternatives also support randr so we could envisage resizing the buffer to the size needed by the client currently connected rather than the default huge size we have at the moment.

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