Custom Query (230 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#242 fixed Additional NX options madmonk

The composite option in the nx.conf configuration file currently doesn't actually seem to turn compositing on or off. It's fairly broken in nx anyway but may still have some value in certain apps and would therefore be good if it could be set at the application level if possible. The biggest problem when it is enabled is that certain UI elements are completely invisible. Conversely alpha blended areas of the UI appear completely black when disabled.

To turn on compositing I modified...


and added the following code.

        def start_display(self, session, user, is_preload):

                if session.full_desktop:
                        args_list += self.get_X_geometry_args(session.screen_size)

+                args_list += ["+extension","Composite"]
+                args_list += ["-dpi", "96"]
+                #args_list += ["-nocomposite"]

                args_list += ["-name", name, session.display]
                env = session.get_env();

Perhaps the composite setting from the configuration file could enable or disable the extension as a workaround for this. I can also confirm that setting composite off in the nx.conf configuration file does not appear to disable compositing when the Composite extension is loaded as above. Likewise it would be nice if the DPI settings could be changed.

#245 duplicate No handlers could be found for logger "xpra.scripts.config" Norman Rasmussen

This warning message has been appearing on startup since 0.10.10.

#246 invalid International keyboard support failing MCondarelli

I have an Italian keyboard. Some keys (notably ',?', '{', '}', '#' and '@') are only available via 'AltGr?' escape. All these keys do not appear to work.


  • Server: Linux Wheezy_amd64
    • LANG=en_US.UTF-8
  • Client: Windows Seven x64
    • Italian setup
  • Test program: eclipse 3.8.0
  • Winswitch was installed today following indication on web site.
  • All software installed is standard and up-to-date.
  • All other keys are correctly interpreted as Italian KBD in spite of client/server language mismatch (e.g.: all accented letters are correct).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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