Custom Query (230 matches)
Results (118 - 120 of 230)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#151 | worksforme | Can't connect to servers with special characters in the SSH password. | ||
Description |
Server: "Match Username" was ticked, I customized the "Sound Monitor Device", and set the Menu Size to "Small" on the client (since the menus were huge on Debian by default - a different bug I suspect). Default Desktop Screen Size was set. Everything else was using the defaults (xpra for Seamless, vnc for Desktop). I used a password on the server which contained (amongst other characters) the characters ")$;". Presumably one of these prevented the SSH connection from connecting, since the password prompt kept re-appearing. I changed the password on the Ubuntu server to only use an alphanumeric password, and then the password was accepted. |
#150 | invalid | Keyboard focus problem, OSX, xpra | ||
Description |
When using xpra with an OSX client and an Ubuntu server, I have consistent keyboard focus problems. Whenever the app opens a secondary window, clicking fields, or anywhere on the secondary window will not give keyboard focus to a field. I can work around by clicking the titlebar of the original app window, then moving back to the secondary window. Then my mouse clicks will affect keyboard focus. |
#149 | fixed | The '<' key produces '>' with the winswitch xpra | ||
Description |
Using xfce4's terminal the '<' and '>' keys are fine. Using the same terminal and going through xpra, < (lt) is > (gt), but > (gt) is still correct, and , (comma) and . (period) are still correct. Without xpra: <> ,. With xpra: >> ,. I can copy/paste a '<' from a non xpra window and it works as expected. Same thing happens with Xfce's Mousepad 0.2.16 and Terminal 0.4.7. This is with aur/xpra-winswitch aur/parti-all 0.0.6-2 is fine and does not have this bug. Both Xfce's Mousepad and Terminal behaviours are correct in terms of '<' and '>' when using the xpra from parti-all. |