Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (118 - 120 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#59 fixed cannot start full remote desktop if the only protocol available is ssh! Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Should ensure that we have a full remote desktop protocol available (compatible version too) on the server before showing the option in the menus. (at the moment the form comes up but is useless: we can't select a protocol as none are available)

#75 fixed code is racy: must add locking around critical sections Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

In most cases the racy code is harmless, but in some cases (preload sessions) a user could end up having access to someone else's session! Must add the equivalent of Java's synchronized keyword to quite a few places...

#106 invalid compiz + NX window dimming Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

The NX windows end up dimming when using compiz on the client.

This bug entry is to track the problem so people know what to do wit it, it cannot be fixed here.

See: this patch

Ensure that your vendor supplies a patched version of nxagent.

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