Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (121 - 123 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#107 fixed SELinux prevents xauth from accessing per session auth files in user's home directory Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

If selinux is enforcing, xauth just fails... So we have a workaround in place where we pass the global XAUTHORITY to the server and it uses that if /selinux/enforcing==1

Not ideal. I can't see any easy way of being able to create new xauth files with selinux enabled. PITA

See also: NX bug

#108 worksforme Can't start shifter_server in Debian Lenny: missing gio Antoine Martin R4v3n

Hi guys, I installed shifter from the debian lenny repository (v 0.9.19) on my Lenny. The application start, but I can't start the shifter_server because of the GIO module of python, because GIO is introduce in PyGTK 2.14, and Lenny run with the 2.12.

To be sure, I paste the error :

*** Caught exception: <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: No module named gio
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/shifter/server/", line 939, in main
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/shifter/server/", line 216, in start
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/shifter/server/", line 337, in start_menu_monitor
    import gio
ImportError: No module named gio
2010/30/06 16:24:51 ShifterController.stop_reactor() Can't stop reactor that isn't running.

So, is there a solution, or I need to upgrade to testing to use the winswitch_server ?

Thanks !

#114 fixed Remote app starts twice Antoine Martin Mystic-Mirage

When I starting any remote application the program starts it twice. So I get two instances of one application. When I close one of the instances the second instance closes too.

P.S. Both systems - Ubuntu 10.04 P.S.S. Sorry for my English.

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