Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (127 - 129 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#186 fixed config apply_changes triggers error in rdp_client_base Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

as reported by @pmarek on irc:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "winswitch/ui/", line 621, in apply_changes
 File "winswitch/ui/", line 1014, in do_apply_changes
 File "winswitch/client/", line 757, in settings_modified
 File "winswitch/client/", line 356, in init_client_utils
  self.client_utils[session_type] = constructor()
 File "winswitch/client/", line 338, in rdp_common
 return     RDPClientUtil(self.update_session_status, self.notify)
 File "winswitch/virt/", line 18, in __init__
  RDPClientBase.__init__(self, update_session_status, notify_callback)
 File "winswitch/virt/", line 38, in __init__
  ClientUtilBase.__init__(self, WINDOWS_TYPE, update_session_status, notify_callback)
 File "winswitch/virt/", line 48, in __init__
  self.options_defaults = self.load_options_defaults()
 File "winswitch/virt/", line 58, in load_options_defaults
  props = self.get_options_defaults()
 File "winswitch/virt/", line 373, in get_option
  props = self.get_options_defaults()
 File "winswitch/virt/", line 373, in get_options_defaults
  d[KEYMAP] = self.get_default_keymap()
 File "winswitch/virt/", line 85, in get_default_keymap
  if k in self.keymaps.keys():
AttributeError: RDPClientUtil instance has no attribute 'keymaps'

I cannot explain why keymaps is not defined... The RDPClientBase constructor looks like this:

		ClientUtilBase.__init__(self, WINDOWS_TYPE, update_session_status, notify_callback)
		self.ignore_process_returncodes.append(2)		#closing the window causes this returncode!
			self.keymaps = self.find_all_keymaps()
			self.default_keymap = self.get_default_keymap()

(ENABLE_KEYMAP_OPTION is hardcoded to True) And this constructor is called by the RDPClientUtil constructor..

#187 fixed replace distro packaging util code with calls to packagekit on Linux Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

This class: is horrible and buggy (no '-A' option with gksudo on some distros) so replace it with packagekit.

There are dbus bindings: example and decent usage docs

#190 wontfix support putty's pageant authentication agent on MS Windows Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

On Unices we can just grab the location of the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable and connect to it.

On Windows, no idea.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.