Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (133 - 135 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#31 fixed dont DoS the line with icon requests Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

When connected to a server via a slow line (<1Mbit?) we should just use the local icons and be happy with that rather than requesting lots of blobs from the server.
A standard install may have ~80 commands, each with a 5K icon so this could take up 400KB of bandwidth.
On MS Windows, there are no local icons, so we may want to throttle it instead.

#191 fixed failure to load certain types of rsa private keys protected by passphrases Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

This is an upstream Twisted bug, I have created a ticket there: ticket 5496

Not much we can do at this end, as it just looks to us like the key is invalid... Maybe we ought to show an alert message in this case?
See also: #190, since MS Windows does not have support for pageant, we need a way to load the keys ourselves!

Also somewhat reminiscent of #160

#40 fixed figure out why DR Watson shows up on exit (MS Windows) Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

The error report is totally useless (thanks Microsoft), and according to this response to my question on the py2exe mailing list, the only way to resolve this is trial and error. (great..)

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