Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (136 - 138 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4 fixed generalize "browse_command" into a first class object Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Currently this command is used by creating a fake ServerCommand object when we need to use it.
We should just create a new directory ".shifter/server/main-menu/" and populate it with just one ".desktop" file we create from the list of existing file managers. Users may choose to add more commands, modify, etc.

#39 fixed get rid of the "libgio-2.0.0.dll was not found" error on MS Windows Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

When starting the application on win32, we get what looks like a fatal error (it is not):

The application has failed to start because libgio-2.0.0.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

This is bogus, the application is fine, it is just something to do with gtk pixbuf loaders (svg?)
We should at least prevent this error from coming up, ideally we should find a proper fix for #10 (SVG support)

#145 fixed gtk.AboutDialog() web url fails on win32 and osx Antoine Martin Antoine gmail

AFAIK, the code is correct:

d = gtk.AboutDialog()

But on those platforms, it comes up with an error...

Maybe now is the time to replace the whole thing with a custom dialog? Or at the very least, remove the URL for those platforms that cannot handle it!

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