Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (139 - 141 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#257 fixed lists incorrect version for Download the latest source Sohrab Niramwalla

On the page, the link "Download the latest source" lists "(version 0.12.16 released 2013-11-05)" while the href points to winswitch-0.12.20.src.tar.bz2

#155 wontfix improvements to client_launcher Arthur Huillet Antoine Martin


  • it needs a man page - this is a debian requirement: all public commands (ie: /usr/bin/) need a man page, even if it is a small one that refers to another one

More minor issues:

  • how do you create your config files? this needs to be documented somewhere, maybe providing an example config with comments in /usr/share/winswitch/launcher-example/
  • I've removed the default values from LauncherSession to ensure they are populated correctly from file - the code should ensure the values make sense (port>0, host.len>0)
  • LauncherClient should show a warning if the session fails to start
  • file mime-type mapping so users can double click on them and have the software automatically launched
  • dealing with ssh-tunnels (totally non-trivial)
#300 worksforme insecure umask 0000 on ubuntu server mattja

xterm started as application session on the remote server runs with umask 0000. This has security impact as files/directories created by users are then world-writable. Expected: some sensible default like 002 or 022.

Version: winswitch 0.12.23-1, xpra 2.1.1-r16658-1

Possible cause: winswitch server assumes umask will be set in /etc/bashrc. That is true on Red Hat derived systems. But it is not true on Ubuntu (tested 16.04 LTS) where I think umask is expected to be set by PAM session (

Perhaps related, the PAM file provided by /etc/pam.d/xpra seems to assume a Red Hat style system and most of the PAM modules referenced there do not exist on a Ubuntu system.

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