Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (145 - 147 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#190 wontfix support putty's pageant authentication agent on MS Windows Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

On Unices we can just grab the location of the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable and connect to it.

On Windows, no idea.

#191 fixed failure to load certain types of rsa private keys protected by passphrases Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

This is an upstream Twisted bug, I have created a ticket there: ticket 5496

Not much we can do at this end, as it just looks to us like the key is invalid... Maybe we ought to show an alert message in this case?
See also: #190, since MS Windows does not have support for pageant, we need a way to load the keys ourselves!

Also somewhat reminiscent of #160

#192 fixed Couldn't reach you any other way Antoine Martin joachim

Dear developer(s),

Have just taken a look at your wonderful program/tool called WinSwitch?. It has made me so enthousiastic that I'd like to make it part of our open source operating system called HOLOS.

Since you have done a lot of work on this, I was wondering if you accept donations. My company Metasync is small and not very rich, but we like to give what we can to support creative developers like yourself.

Best regards, Joachim de Koning -

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