Custom Query (230 matches)
Results (145 - 147 of 230)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#268 | fixed | .desktop files not parsed correctly | ||
Description |
.desktop files aren't being parsed correctly. Thunderbird is showing incorrectly as "Contacts". It appears only the last section is being processed, not the Desktop Entry section. |
#270 | fixed | Winswitch unable to connect over ssh from MS Windows to server running openssh 6.7 | ||
Description |
After upgrading a linux server to openssh 6.7, I'm no longer able to connect to it from MS Windows (winswitch 0.12.20). In the server's log I see "fatal: Unable to negotiate a key exchange method [preauth]". I have no trouble connecting to the server via putty. It seems that this is a twisted-conch issue: However, I assume that even once that's fixed, some work will be required on winswitch's part, too, even if only to create a new build; so opening a ticker here, too. |
#272 | fixed | [PATCH] Correct parsing for .desktop files | ||
Description |
I've updated load_desktop_menus to use ConfigParser?. I've been using this patch for a couples months and had no issues, menus behave as expected. |