Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (148 - 150 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#134 fixed move all internal scripts to /usr/libexec - these aren't meant to be used directly Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Only a few scripts should remain in /usr/bin:

  • winswitch_applet / winswitch_server : essentials
  • winswitch_away / winswitch_back : can be used by blueproximity, etc
  • winswitch_command_wrapper : used by .desktop command lines, must be on PATH to make it user friendly
  • winswitch_stdio_socket / winswitch_stdio_tcp : can be used by users for diagnosys (maybe)

Almost everything else we can move to libexec. This is cleaner and better for packaging. Means we don't need so many manual pages.

#130 fixed move website to a separate repository Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

It's handy for doing distributed builds and easily updating the website, but it pollutes the repo with binaries (making it huge to checkout) and makes it harder to read the history.

#68 fixed msvcr90.dll bundling issues Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

According to py2exe tutorial it should just be a case of adding the Microsoft.VC90.CRT directory to the installer, but this does not work for me. Other posts suggest copying the raw DLLs into the root dist folder (also did not work).

more info here

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