Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (154 - 156 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#192 fixed Couldn't reach you any other way Antoine Martin joachim

Dear developer(s),

Have just taken a look at your wonderful program/tool called WinSwitch?. It has made me so enthousiastic that I'd like to make it part of our open source operating system called HOLOS.

Since you have done a lot of work on this, I was wondering if you accept donations. My company Metasync is small and not very rich, but we like to give what we can to support creative developers like yourself.

Best regards, Joachim de Koning -

#197 fixed Ubuntu Maverick 100% CPU-Usage and no functionality Antoine Martin Thomas Käfer

Hi! I installed winswitch on 3 systems of mine in the last days:

1.) Linux Mint Debian Editon (based on Debian Wheezy) 2.) Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal 3.) Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat

On 1.) and 2.) It worked well locally, although I was not able to use 1.) from 2.) - see for details

This issue is about the 3rd machine, the Ubuntu 10.10.

I did install winswitch like this:

curl | apt-key add -
echo "deb maverick main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winswitch.list;
apt-get update
apt-get install winswitch

When starting the applet, it appeared in the statusbar, but reacted very sluggish (which did not get better even after 15 minutes) I could not open a session locally neither remote on the 1.) machine, although the second issue seems to stem from version incompatibilities of xpra.

I'll attach the logfile.

#200 worksforme package repository has broken dependencies Antoine Martin Thomas Käfer

it seems to me that the dependencies in the winswitch debian repository are broken.. there are new versions of the packages xpra & python-wimpiggy (0.3.1-1) but to upgrade xpra he wants to remove winswitch and to upgrade python-wimpiggy he wants to remove winswitch & xpra

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