Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (163 - 165 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#32 fixed port_mapper will eventually run out of ports Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

We currently do not free_ports(), but we should...
We should not re-use these ports immediately (just in case nx/xpra/vnc whatever does not set SOCK_REUSE) but we need to keep track of them and allow those to be re-used.

If there are too many ports reserved (threshold?) we can just clear the list and start again (we re-detect ports that really are assigned).

#74 fixed prevent sessions from failing silently Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

All session types should have a startup timeout which will check that the session has moved past "starting" state within 30 seconds. Some do, but not all apparently (or at least not in all cases). At least we now detect SSH errors and report them to the client.

#116 fixed pygst is broken on PowerPC (used to crash the application) Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

It crashes on copy_u8_altivec2 in liboil.

This is a known issue:

However, applying the patches in the debian bug entry did NOT resolve the issue and the application still crashes at the exact same point which is rather odd.

Until this is resolved, something must be added to prevent us from trying to load pygst on PowerPC macs. (this was done by hand to make the 0.11.0 ppc build)

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