Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (166 - 168 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5 fixed pygtk on Windows is not showing any icons on the ImageButtons Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

No idea why that is.

It may be worth trying a new version of pygtk/gtk/..

#167 fixed pynotify corrupted double-linked list? Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

I have seen this sort of crash before (usually on shutdown with control-C), but this seems to happen during runtime which is more problematic... The original bug (was on the wrong tracker) says this happens on clicking "Apply" in the options window (I assume the main 'Configuration' dialog - not the server options?).

I first thought that this was due to pybonjour, but the backtrace also seems to point to pynotify (and gio/dbus) - maybe we need an idle_add call on the notify path?

#286 invalid question about 8bit pseudocolor support by xpra Ward Braspenning


I need 8 bit pseudocolor for some x apps who use it (don't have code of these apps to change it) to get blinking colors. But I don't get xpra working with depth = 8 bit.

When I (on a Red Hat 7.2) test 'xpra start' (v0.16.2-r11889) as root with DefaultDepth and Depth 8 in /root/.xpra/xorg.conf.d/Screen, I get following error in file ':0.log':

  File "window_bindings.pyx", line 604, in xpra.x11.bindings.window_bindings.X11WindowBindings.ensure_XComposite_support (xpra/x11/bindings/window_bindings.c:5406):
  File "window_bindings.pyx", line 426, in xpra.x11.bindings.window_bindings.X11WindowBindings.ensure_extension_support (xpra/x11/bindings/window_bindings.c:2342)
  ValueError: X11 extension Composite not available

See attachments for the necessary files.

I'm pretty sure it is a restriction in the x(dummy) server:

From source code package xorg-x11-server-Xorg, v 1.17.2, file composite/compext.c, fu CompositeExtensionInit:

  //Composite on 8bpp pseudocolor root windows appears to fail, so
  //just disable it on anything pseudocolor for safety.
          for (vis = pScreen->visuals; vis->vid != pScreen->rootVisual; vis++);
          if ((vis->class | DynamicClass) == PseudoColor)

Xvnc, on the other hand, does support 8-bit pseudocolor. My questions are:

  • Is there a way to get 8 bit pseudocolor working with xpra that i overlook?
    • And do have the 'xpra'-developers an idea of what is necessary to get the 'composite' extension working with 8 bit pseudocolor. Or better to ask this on the Xorg team?

I don't know enough of it, but if Xvnc gets 8 bit pseudolor working, the I think it should also be possible to implement this for X + Composite extension. Xvnc must also use something Composite like, no?

Thanks in advance if you have the time and effort to look into these questions.

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