Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (169 - 171 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#184 fixed read ~/.winswitch/client/xpra_options_defaults.conf before starting xpra Antoine Martin pmarek

It would be nice if the config file was read every time before xpra gets started; having a global default, and per-server overrides would be nice, too.

Thank you very much!

#203 invalid reconnect in winswitch menu needs two tries Antoine Martin pmarek

I've got a remote tunnel, via

ssh -L 8022:host1:22

and connect to host2 via winswitch and the localhost:8022 tunnel.

Now, if I stop that outer SSH session (eg. via the "\n\n~." escape sequence) winswitch sees that the connection is severed, and displays "reconnect" in the servers menu.

But this doesn't work; on the first "reconnect" winswitch says that it couldn't connect, and only on the second try it really reconnects.

So it seems like there's some old state that is not being updated when a connection breaks.

#136 fixed reduce imports required for basic functions - speedup and will reduce logging Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Some commands barely use any features, yet they need to import tons of stuff. This makes them slow to start and produces lots of unnecessary debug messages to be printed.


  • away/back: should not care about pygtk, icons, etc..
  • "--help" should not need to load pygst (which causes its own warning logging: ** Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (GstObject))
  • winswitch_open should be fast and nimble
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