Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (172 - 174 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#238 fixed PIL,pillow patches for 0.12.18 release Michael Weber

Gentoo bug report

#2 fixed Option to start remote servers automatically Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

When we establish a tunnel with ssh and call shifter_server_portinfo_monitor

pass a flag to ask the monitor to launch a new server if one is not present already.

We'll need to think of an easy way to launch servers on local machines too (which normally may not require ssh), but later.

#117 fixed OSX: remove dock icon for xpra or make it usable Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Another one of Apple's rubbish "design" decisions means that we can't programmatically disable the dock when we launch an app like xpra... So we have two options:

  • write lots of code to add dock support to xpra
  • do lots hackery do have two different plist manifests in the same application bundle

For details, see:

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